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Universal basic income and communism

17 posts, 720 views
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5 years ago
So what happens now with basic income when player leaves 3v3 and it's 2v3 now?

Why when game starts with uneven number of players the side with less players has less income at start?
+1 / -0
Look. Some commanders are just more equal than others.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Income is equal because it is tied to the amount of starting commanders, not players (with uneven teams some people get double starting commander).
+0 / -0
new economic system, when a player leaves he's team gets 20% more metal or gets a tankt minotuar. ;D
+0 / -0

5 years ago
so when a team game is 5v4, the team of 5 get 1 com each and get 1/5th of the base team metal income(and however overdrive and energy income is shared) and the team of 4 get 5 coms, 1 player gets 2 coms, and 1/4th of the base team metal income(overdrive and energy distributed however it is distributed). Base income is the inate +2, + com income, + the base income of every extractor.

Zenfur, would you like the team of 4 to be split such that 3 players get 1/5th team income, and player with 2 coms gets 2/5th the team's income? That's not too unreasonable.

In the case of players resigning early, their income gets distributed to the player on that team with the least income share, so in this 4v5 scenario in the team of 4 if one player with 1 com at start resigns the income is now split 1.5|1.5|2, or 30%, 30%, 40% up from a 20/20/20/40 pre-resigner.

On the topic of unequal sized teams, if a player is designated to have 2 coms can we visually represent that somehow? like instead of 1 com marker have some kind of Siamese marker showing this player will spawn 2 coms?
+1 / -0

5 years ago
It would be better if you could pick a second starting position as the two comm player.
+2 / -1

5 years ago
There exists the ability to force ais to spawn comms at certain locations. Someone (not me) could probably hack that into a second Commander placer widget.
+0 / -0
u can hack and do those things :O hmmm zero-k needs new protection. i remembe blue steel u once did commands and made game blink in the lobby and made chat crash and go crazy. how u do that ? :D i remember anarchid or zenfur telling u not to do it again XD good times good times.
+0 / -0
The force AI spawn locations is a check box under adv. Options in the game lobby under the start tab.
+0 / -0
I meant the +6 metal +8 energy at start. The team with less players does not have this income - missing for one player. I see now it wasn't the case.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Just work harder.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
One of the rules of the economy is that it makes no reference to individual teams (ie, players). The incomes and capacities of the whole allyTeam only depend on the units in the allyTeam. This rule is broken a little with overdrive, as the amount of energy spent on overdrive has some dependence on the way the storage, income, and expenditure is distributed within the allyTeam.

This rule has allowed games to run with odd numbers of players and with a wide range of team and map sizes. It also allows us to freely mess with the distribution of resources within an allyTeam without changing 1v1 or FFA (or the 'theoretical' balance of team games). The resource distribution alogarithm is basically a bit of social engineering. Why isn't reclaim shared? To encourage reclaim.

Start income is currently gained as follows:
  • Commanders generate +4/+6.
  • Each commander that spawns for an allyTeam gives that allyTeam a +2/+2 income buff.
These types of income are fully shared between all active teams.

The rule used to be that the economy can only depend on units that currently exist on the map. Implementing global income required the rule to be weakened, but not such that it couldn't achieve its purpose.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Communism doesn't work.
And in this game there is no communism implementation. Because in communism doesn't exist equality in core ideas.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
...and at the end they want insurance for all....
+0 / -0
Why not just remove all the starting metal and make base income 0, with the only metal income from mex? Then the first mex and factory are free to build, isn't that all fair then?
+1 / -2

5 years ago
If so, you should be reenabled to plop mexes when you have zero
+0 / -0
5 years ago
SGrankLu5ck, because even if you can then plop a mex, what are you supposed to do while the income from the mex trickles in enough to build an energy building or the first raider?
+0 / -0