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elo glich

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12 years ago
well it seems some people are gliching there elo well its not really a glich but its not fair either people are going into offcial lobbys with a friend or two and start up the game and quit within 30 sec or a min or so and it some how brings up there elo
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12 years ago
This is one of the reasons we had the time limit. Who is doing this exactly? Names and games, everything is recorded.

They are fools if they are doing this to gain Elo. They will be matched with worse allies in team games. If they are doing it to lose elo: Well anyone is capable of playing badly on purpose. I'm not sure how much we can do about this, other than bring back the old time limits (possibly, make elo gain slowly ramp up over time until 10 mins or so, so that playing 10x1 min games only gives as much elo as 1x10min game- though people can still AFK for 10 mins, obv, this makes it just a touch harder).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I noticed this too, while testing to see if I could join a game I lost about 300 elo. The easy fix is to prevent elo gain if the game is under 45s long because nothing can happen in 45s. It is very likely commanders have not spawned in that time.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Are you sure they are not just quiters and afk'ers we have epic numbers of both.

One guy quits at start and they all start quiting sometimes.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think 1:30 - 2 minutes is safe. Well few trololo/chess/duck games wont be recorded but those are joke not games anyway.

Bigger problem is when there is many quits same player gains all those takes, which is quite overkill.
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