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OP unit combo

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Is it possible to counter this?

Shields + dominatrix + disarm

This ball is fast enough to capture your grizzlies and paladins. You can add a bit of antiair to protect your shieldball from being scouted with radar planes. This tactic is kinda unstoppable. The only way to stop this ball is to build drp
+0 / -0
Looks like it costs more than a nuke.

Otherwise just use cloaked roaches.
+0 / -0
What if he adds a couple of outlaws? Once one of your units became decloaked, his domis will capture a lot of your units.

This tactic is very powerful because you cannot make any mistakes. Otherwise, all of your units will add up to this shieldball. I've just lost 4 of my grizzlies because I didn't expect that crazy OP ball going straight forward to me. All my scout planes was killed by his AA.
+0 / -0
If we estimate that this ball contains:
- 25 dominatrices
- 15 shields
- 15 racketeers

discounting the impalers in the back and any AA or fleas,
this comes to 24,750 metal. Enough for two paladins and a merlin.

The combination of EMP missiles and tachyon accelerators from the paladins and missile spam from the merlin may have been able to win.

Edit: On a smaller scale, some firewalkers and dante special weapon could create area denial patches of fire to give you the time to build long-ranged counters.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Shielded or cloaked domi stacks are one of the harder things to fight against, as they are effectively like shield+felon stacks, but doesn't consume shield and has long cooldown instead of constant high DPS beam attack. Of course some super weapons, like Berthas are able to hammer shield stacks long enough to get through them or silo with EMP missile can just try to stun them, but that requires some high metal preparations.

The domis also capturing any units you try to throw at the shield ball also makes it very hard to stop one when it starts to aproach you, as the shield domi ball just gets more mass from the units.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
For the effective destruction of such a crowd, spamming scorpions is required; You need ~4-5 scorps
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Its cost in glaives. No need to be fancy. You dive the ball with your dudes and nothing in there makes cost vs. raiders.

Just make sure you actually have enough because dominatrix punishes under-commitment.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
Missile solos can also work with emp spam.
+2 / -0
that said it is possible to make unit-combis that virtually counter everything except superweapons (nuke included).
but if you face that situation, it doesn´t mean you fail to counter it right at the moment. it means you failed a couple of times BEFORE the encounter so you enemy had the chance to build that stuff up. this is one of the hard things to evaluate in strategic games. think of players that don´t expand and porc their base. from their perspective, artillery + riot combos would seem totally op. nothing they will build in their base will protect them from the arty and they have entered a nearly unwinable stage of the game. but because the game doesn´t abruptly end, they would either assume they just haven´t found the right porc to build or that arty is uncounterable.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
for 24500 metal you can have 7 catapults wich have an alpha of 61740 damage. 15 shileds absolrb 54000 damage. and that is just one barage. shieldblob is slow and this is just target practice.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
More small stuff: Dirtbags (hills can also trap units), blastwings(burn everything)
More bombs: Any bomb is fine, but roaches are best. If you have amph fac, lobster can throw bombs (dunno is slow bomb would be cost effective, but they might give your grizzlies an easier time). Roaches dont even need to be cloaked in some circumstances, even if domi's capture them, they still blow everything up
More long range annoying stuff: any arty spam would work really: emissaries, badgers (mines also distract domi's), slings+snipers, lances, racketeers, lucifer, cerberus. This just takes a bit more time than the other strats.

If the ball is really clumped up, an ulti could even make cost.

As others said already, the point is to not attack before you have enough to do substantial damage.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Don't overestimate the power of Outlaw vs Snitches. Nothing forces you to send all your bombs at once to blow themselves up with 2 pulses of outlaw. With good vision (Owls can often see enough even despite mobile AA, if not there are Gremlins), you can often trickle them in 1 at a time to chip away at a ball. Hearing that big Snitch boom can also have a psychological effect delaying moves while they try to make sure they're as protected as possible giving you more time to do something terminal about it.

But as has been said elsewhere, if an opponent has the opportunity to build an all round deathball of any description, that means you've been making mistakes for a long time up to that point. The game can forgive some mistakes, but there comes a point when your chances run out.
+2 / -0
My mistake was that I didn't see 2 of 5 ffa players had resigned by the time he had that huge shieldball. Nice FFA tactic: 1) capture your nearby low elo opponents. 2) win by having biggest eco.

He didn't destroy anything. He just captured everything: eco, defences, armies. That's sick xD
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Haha, the problem of FFA vs domiball: even if you don't feed your army into the ball, the others might. gg wp
+1 / -0
5 years ago
That combination is certainly powerful but also far from unbeatable.

From experience it is difficult to build up such a large shieldball without something terminal happening to it sooner or later. The other team must have been playing shit for some time for a massive ball like that to develop.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Roaches dropped from transport are best answer to bullshit as they are fast and ignore all riot but felon and stinger.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
doesnt sound like something felon would ignore
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I've literally wrote that they ignore most threats but Felon and Stinger...
+0 / -0

5 years ago
interesting, wonder what I read
+0 / -0

5 years ago
well, dropped roaches might be actually op

for example
+0 / -0
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