I am on two wheels for 9 years.
Forl ast five years i am happy owner of Yamaha Drag Star 650 - this is my third motorcycle,

i roamed alot in my country - Ukraine, longest journey was about 2000km in two weeks. Best speed for me 80km/h. I dont like to hurry.
My previuos motocycles was:
First one - heavy soviet motocycle "MT-11" (Dnipro-11) 650cc 25 years old. Super heavy - without sidecar it weight 270kg (with side car 315kg), it was real challenge to ride it without sidecar (those time i was young and my weight was 54kg) but it was huge and cheap so i bought it. Served me for three years. Current state - faced lack of spare parts, dissasembled in to pieces, occupies a corner in my garage.
Second one - Chinese clone of Yamaha Virago 250cc, it was light and cheap, but after four month of usage i faced a lot of issues due poor quality: find burnt out holes in exhaust, really crap electric wires, and problems with engine. Current state - sold.