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Factory differentiation

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5 years ago
Differentiating factories in thematically appropriate ways.

Cloaky Bots:
- Area radar jammer. Useful for sneaky frontline placement.

Shield Bots:
- Area shield. Protects factory and helps other shields regenerate.

- Morphs into mobile factory. For funs.

- Extra health. Because tanks are tough.

- Health regen when underwater. This factory is already special, it can be placed underwater.

- Outlaw-like slow pulse. No damage component. A weird trait for a weird factory.

- Morphs into hovering factory.

- Radar. Useful for air control.

- Sonar. Useful for water control.

Assets needed:
- Mobile Rover Factory
- Mobile Gunship Factory

I can hack these things out, maybe somebody has ideas for the assets?
+3 / -0

5 years ago
What is your goal on this thread?
+1 / -0

5 years ago
@mv apparently wants every factory to get a leveler sidearm. I think it would be interesting.
+2 / -0
What about hovers and spiders
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Any kind of offensive weapon on a factory would be hilariously broken because you can plop it anywhere. All these abilities are intentionally not broken when plopped offensively, but relevant to the playstyle of the units of the factory. The Jumpbots slow pulse might be a little broken, other ideas are welcome.
+0 / -0
Making a mobile factory is going to be difficult. How do you discern between orders for the factory itself (move, guard, etc) and its rally point?

Instead, it should morph into an eight-wheel, six-gun demi-strider.

+10 / -0
5 years ago
While mobile it would build similar to Athena and double as a 10bp construction vehicle.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
where is skasi, where is my train factory?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Simple - it can only build when stationary as SC terran buildings.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
That's an option, I don't see why it shouldn't be able to build and behave like a constructor while mobile. You'd be able to plop, morph to mobile, then reclaim rocks with your factory if you really wanted. I imagined the mobile factories being slow like StarCraft, maybe not that slow.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
- Extra health. Because tanks are tough.

Already a Shipyard trait.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Already a Shipyard trait.

Interesting, this can be fixed too unless there's some reason for it.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Tanks may be tough, but ships are OP.

The best factories here are probably Shield, Jump and Rover. A slow pulse or free shield would make a base near-invulnerable against early raids, provided some turrets or units are kept around to support it. The ability to reposition is probably good, but would take timing.

Tank may like a Welder sidearm instead of health. This may be too many Welder sidearms in one place though. It makes sense that Amph has a poor extra ability since being underwater is already quite a strong ability.

I feel like the worse factories are Cloaky and Hover (since it lacks an ability). Jamming a base isn't that useful since your opponent is very unlikely to have radar coverage on your base, and immobile buildings are not going to have much opportunity to sneak. I'd only expect to see the jamming used for cheese.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Overall the factory abilities don't necessarily need to be equal value, just one more variable in balancing the wholeness of the factory.

Factory sidearms in general seem tricky for the reason Anarchid mentioned, targeting vs. rally point. Maybe the engine has a way of dealing with this?

Tank Welder sidearm seems fair-ish because everything in that factory is slow to build, so it's risky to plop offensively. Would be scary to fight a self-defending factory in your backline which produces Ogres. The extra health was intended to support this without being a raider deterrent or a free turret plop with 4k health.

For hovers I think either a (disarming?) anti-air or anti-sub sidearm might be appropriate, because Flail is relatively slow to field, anti-sub synergizes with being able to build on water surface, and offensively plopping these kinds of weapons is less prone to cheese.

I imagined the shield being Convict-strength, something to give a little nudge to Aegis in base. You could pack it full of Caretakers to prevent hugging, but then your production chain explodes. Maybe shields should get limited Racketeer sidearm instead. Still, plopping in range of enemy factory lets you shut down all their bp early game.

Jump factory might need a different idea, maybe Newton sidearm or Lobster capability to boost allies onto adjacent cliffs.

Cloak Factory could itself be invisible, but as soon as you add a Caretaker it seems easy to find. If it cloaked the unit in production this would be marginally valuable counter-intelligence. Imagine plopping a Cloakbot factory and pumping out Scythes and Phantoms completely invisibly.

Another change I would like to make is for Cloak factory to be the only thing that can produce Iris, because it is one of the strongest units in the factory but everybody else has access to it. Nobody can morph into Minotaur, Felon, Grizzly, Domi, Raven, Lance, etc. Corona and Iris don't even look similar to each other.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Tanks may be tough, but ships are OP.

[[Laughing in lance/claymore/mace.]]
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I like idea to test it as a zk-mod at first.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
PR: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/pull/3543

Video of Mobile Gunship Plant:

+7 / -0

5 years ago
Isn't the gunship plant now effectively a hover plant?
+0 / -0
It is like an Athena only bigger. Athena has the issue of not allowing units to have way-points after they are built.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Athena has the issue of not allowing units to have way-points after they are built. being able to land in order to have rally points

+0 / -0
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