I mean hell they kill scuttles mid air during a jump while cloaked before they get close enough to do any damage.
+1 / -0
Look at the Toad, the highest cost dedicated GA unit in the game. It does a COMBINED dps of 242 vs AIR ONLY (and if I am not mistaken can miss with the cannon) for 500 metal vs Felon who does 813 DPS for 620 Metal and can target both air and ground AND has a damn shield. TBH Felons shouldn't even be able to hit air, they are ridiculously good already. Currently they don't even have to build vandals, Felons literally melt any air before it even gets close. 2-3 of them can melt most bombers before they can even drop bombs. I wish the damn Toad could do that, you know, the most expensive dedicated GA unit in the game.
+1 / -0
 Air is the main reason I don't play shields in teams. All other factories can spread out, but shields are forced to clump together and succumb to Likhos.
+1 / -0
If the shieldball is too large and scary, throw a couple of assaults at it first so the Felons drain the ball's shields.
+0 / -0
You mean feed them metal so the ball gets larger? Hmm, well why didn't I think of that. None of your answers addressed why the Felon is so much better at killing air then any other dedicated GA unit nor why the felon even needs to be able to target air given shield fac has a dedicated ga unit that doesn't even need to be built do to how good the felon is.
+4 / -0
The Felon has considerably less range than any conventional AA unit. It is only really effective against air in self-defence. As for the rest, we are suggesting things that *work*; you just seem to be too busy having a rant to care.
+0 / -0
Or you're just posting in self defense of your favorite go-to fac/unit and don't want to see it nerfed. What GA do you know of that "goes on the offensive"?? What a crock. ALL GA is defensive. It's meant to sit with units to defend them and themselves against air - except Felons who literally lead the charge on the front lines and melt anything that even dares come close, ground AND air. It takes 1 1/2 seconds to kill a licho with 2 felon - that's OP, I don't care how you slice it. Not even dedicated GA units kill that quick for the metal cost, in-fact nothing even comes close, so try again.
+2 / -2
While I don't have a fancy shmancy blue, or even gold star, I have to agree. Felon is currently THE best AA unit, and it's not even an AA unit. The factory might as well just not have a dedicated AA unit at this point. I don't need to be a cook to see the meal's bad, felon needs to not be able to hit air, or instead of a cone shaped fire angle it should be dome shaped. Edit: lichos don't do shit. get 3-5 aspis and watch the lichos get damaged by their own bombs.
+1 / -0
quote: Or you're just posting in self defense of your favorite go-to fac/unit and don't want to see it nerfed. |
I'm pretty sure I literally haven't built a single Felon in several years. Try again. quote: What GA do you know of that "goes on the offensive"?? What a crock. ALL GA is defensive. It's meant to sit with units to defend them and themselves against air - except Felons who literally lead the charge on the front lines and melt anything that even dares come close, ground AND air. |
I didn't say "defensive", I said self-defensive. Other anti-air is much better at protecting many friendlies in a large area. Felon only protects itself and its shieldball. Watch B707816 17 on Calamity 1.1 if you want to see how to use air against a shieldball.
+0 / -0
This is why removing the delay before firing was not good idea
+3 / -0
quote: lichos don't do shit. get 3-5 aspis and watch the lichos get damaged by their own bombs. | quote: If the shieldball is too large and scary, throw a couple of assaults at it first so the Felons drain the ball's shields.
+1 / -0
quote: Watch Multiplayer B707816 17 on Calamity 1.1 if you want to see how to use air against a shieldball. |
3v1? And at one point we had to dedicate 4v1 to stop a single persons ball of shields? Please stop. Go troll elsewhere. Your idea of "balance" is freaking laughable. JXG using shields in a 3v1, sometimes 4v1 scenario and you think that's balanced. And they still couldn't push in and stop him. only stalemate that side. Literally the only reason JXG lost that 4v1 stalemate was because other side got dumpster and he lost the metal income to keep up against FOUR. OTHER. PLAYERS. Don't replay anymore please, utter trash. 4v1 "balanced" LMFAO.
+0 / -1
Whatever dude, I tried. Stay bad. I'm not commenting on the balance of shieldbots as a whole, I am indicating how an air player can deal with Felon.
+1 / -0
quote: Whatever dude, I tried. Stay bad. |
You literally just tried to say that having to dedicate 3/4 players to a single person with a shield ball is balanced - against a player that is not a top player to boot, just to "drain the felons shields so an air player can bomb". GO. AWAY. You have absolutely no idea what "balance" is.
+0 / -2
"JuSt dRaIn tHe sHiElDs" Is a shitty ass defense, and it doesn't work. Why? Assaults are expensive. What happens to dead assaults? reclaimed by pushing shieldball. No, shieldbots aren't balanced at all, felon needs an uber nerf.
+0 / -0
quote: You literally just tried to say that having to dedicate 3/4 players to a single person with a shield ball is balanced - against a player that is not a top player to boot, just to "drain the felons shields so an air player can bomb". |
I said no such thing. (a) I did not claim that shield bots are necessarily balanced. You made a thread about specifically Felons and a Felon shieldball vs air. I am specifically talking about Felons and a Felon shieldball vs air. If you want to complain about shieldbots being unbalanced make a different thread. (b) Of those three, I as the air player was influencing the entire map, and the newbie cloaky player was unnecessary and not all that helpful. (c) We were also dealing with the ship player behind us, so it was more like a 2v2-and-a-half. Your continuous blatant misrepresentation and aggression is getting tiresome. quote: "JuSt dRaIn tHe sHiElDs" Is a shitty ass defense, and it doesn't work.
It works just fine if you play competently and as a team. Shieldballs would be a joke (and were a joke for several years) if you could defeat them without abusing their weaknesses. They may presently be overtuned but Felon has had the same basic characteristics for the last five years and it hasn't been a huge issue.
+0 / -0
You continually try to claim that shields are fine and all you need is to work as a "team" to drain the shields of 1 person with 1 shield ball. That is not how balance works. If 1 person with a shield ball requires multiple people to dedicate themselves to dealing with him and him alone that is not balanced. You also continue to overlook the fact that JXG is no where near a top player - yet forced 3/4 players to constantly engage with him to stop him and him alone simply because he choose to use shields. That. Is. Not. Balance. If you threw someone in JXG's spot that is a top player, like in the top 3%, they would have easily cleaned up that side, vs 3 other players. JXG suicided up that hill several times for no reason with no vision or disarm - something a top 3% player wouldn't have done.
+0 / -0
quote: If 1 person with a shield ball required multiple people to dedicate themselves to dealing with him and him alone that is not balanced. |
quote: You also continue to overlook the fact that JXG is no where near a top player - yet forced 3/4 players to constantly engage with him to stop him and him alone simply because he choose to use shields. |
I'm not overlooking these statements - you have simply chosen to ignore me when I told you why your statements were false. I'll repeat it again for you. Of the three players opposing the shieldball, the cloaky player was unnecessary and the air player was not solely engaged with the shieldball. The shield player was assisted by the ship player. quote: If you threw someone in JXG's spot that is a top player, like in the top 3%, they would have easily cleaned up that side, vs 3 other players.
Not if the three opposing players were also top tier. The cloaky player contributed very little, the tank player made some mistakes, and I threw away more Thunderbirds than was strictly necessary.
+1 / -0
Not only Felon is AA, Felon is assault, riot and skirmisher as well. Felon is a girl's best friend. As I mentioned elsewhere, ball with 2-3 Felons (or more)can counter almost any number of Thunderbirds without anything getting emped. Likhos won't touch it if there is more than 1 Aspis, also there is a significant chance of being disarmed by Racketeer if attack is not coming by surprise. Oh, and of course it eats assaults for breakfast, that is just bad idea.
+0 / -0
quote: Oh, and of course it eats assaults for breakfast, that is just bad idea. |
Throwing assaults in on their own would be a bad idea, yes. Just as well I didn't suggest it then! Once you have depleted the shield strength somewhat with a few assaults, Felons *no longer* counter an unlimited number of Thunderbirds/Likhos. Or even a relatively small number. This really seems to be a hard concept to grasp for a lot of people.
+1 / -0