I was messing around vs AI and was trying to use a Licho to do a precision bombing run. I decided the best way to release the bomb at the right time was to switch to first-person mode, which gives you control over the bomb but not the aircraft's motion. This is fine; although it would be fun to be able to fly a plane in-game, it's easier to set a course and just aim the bomb.
The trouble I had was that the bombers (all bombers, not just Licho) stop following the course when I take first-person control. Like any other unit, they forget all other move and fire commands when you take control. They decide to fly circles, MAYBE fly over the enemy base, and then maybe land somewhere. The lack of control over the aircraft makes it almost useless...
The bomb sight feature works great, but the aircraft needs to follow a pre-set course or be steerable. Am I missing something? Or is there a bug in there somewhere?