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Build mode

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6 years ago

is it possible to have Buildings to built with shift have the Terraforming also if "b" is pressed and we are in terraform mode?

+0 / -0
6 years ago
explain what u mean buildings ? and how.
+0 / -0
This game is physics based and some projectiles gain range with height. We have teraform. Some turrets(stardust, desolator) gain range with height that we can artificially give. So players natureally teraform and build these towers on player made hills.

A couple features have been added to more easily build towers and have buildings placed on top of them, like click and hold, after a delay it causes a level teraform command under the footprint of the structure so you can set height. There is also the button command, default bound to b, where the same effect is created, but the height is more saved and can be changed with the mouse wheel. I don't know of any hotkeys to add the teraform to hollow box, filled box, or line of builds.

Any plans to add set height build to each queued structure in a hollow box or line of structures? How would we set them all to the same height or to a fixed raise height, and at this point how would the hotkeys work and how would we introduce this mechanic to new players? What we have right now is already a little janky and slow to use(I mean to say it takes a lot of time for me to issue these commands).
+0 / -0
6 years ago
If I select a con, then press CEBVV (for Stardust, switching to Level mode, raise 2 clicks) I would like to hold SHIFT for building a line of them with the set terraform ooption.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
At the Moment I have to place every Building one-by-one.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
If you select a building, then hold alt while scrolling with mouse, the building will be elevated or lowered compared to the ground you place it. Now you can hold shift to place multiple of same elevated buildings.
+1 / -0
6 years ago

yes, I can now set Buildings one by one. Not with ALT key for queing a rectangular area.

+0 / -0