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How to mod the number of slots a commander has in campaign?

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5 years ago
Does anyone know which file sets the number of slots a commander gets on level up in the campaign?
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prolly campaign/sample/commConfig.lua, you can also edit your save file
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5 years ago
The levelDefs table in that file. See http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Zero-K:Developing#Modifying_lobby_menu for modifying files.
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5 years ago
>> prolly campaign/sample/commConfig.lua, you can also edit your save file

I don't see that file. Is that a source file that gets compiled or is it present in the game folder as an individual file>
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That file is in the lobby package. You'll have to clone the lobby repository and run ZK in the dev mode (see the wikipage AUrankAdminGoogleFrog linked on how to do that). Note that this will only effect new saves and levels you haven't yet gained in existing saves.

Editing your save to add more slots does not require anything else, it affects the slots from the levels you already have and only those levels (though you can just increase your level alongside it).
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