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Enable economy overlay by default

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6 years ago
You decide your strategy on which mex to take before entering the build commands for mex, and it is crucial to know which of the mex are arbitrarily double the value. Geothermal spots are basically invisible at far zoom without economy overlay. Economy overlay highlights which features are not cosmetic and instead make up the majority of your early-to-mid game economy. Finding out that the overlay exists or how to enable it requires getting lucky with a loadscreen.
+12 / -0
Could also motivate lobsters to expand instead of making shielded cloaked simcity
All those shiny spots across the map must mean something, right?
+3 / -1
I think the problem is more about teaching people how to play this game.

To expand and defend your expansion is a steep part of the learning curve.
Suddenly it is too expensive to have turrets everywhere to defend all those lonely metal spots.
It is like, you need an mobile force... like an army.

It is hard to say what the reward is to switching your thinking from static to dynamic.
The typical game play have trained these turtlely players to just survive... I guess they might think the Bertha or superweapons will win them the game in 3 hours. IN fact, there is more pain when you expand. People hate to see their stuff blowing up when those lonely mex get taken down.

This overlay being ON by default is not going to be super effective. It is already some what obscure how to erase drawings or turn off the drawing overlay all together. So adding another interface thing that needs reading the manual to figure out might be bad?

I like the intention of helping people lose less. When a player lose too many times in a row, they stop playing.
Attrition have been pretty bad but in the long term, as long as we can pay the server fees it should ok right?

I don't know...

+1 / -0

6 years ago
I'm all for this. I would also argue for making it text instead of the metal bars, but the metal bars are more efficient to draw.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Teach people how to play ? Good luck with that. :D
+1 / -0
5 years ago
What possible downside could enabling the overlay by default have? After all, if the players find it distracting, they can simply turn it off.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
While I personally agree it should be on by default, here's one possible downside:

If people find it difficult to turn it on, then they'll find it almost as difficult to turn it off. They may not know it's optional, and some people may hate it. Others may decide it's ugly, and the overall impression of the game, especially to a new player, may be reduced given how much of the map is highlighted in glowy blue-cyan or has yellow poles sticking up out of it.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
GBrankdarloth3 : In which case showing how to turn it on should be covered in the tutorial (ie. the first few campaign missions).
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I don't care about everybody else, but can I enable it by default in my client.

Can I make it so that I can always see the address on the map my cursor is at?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Zero-k has trouble with it's ui because it's highly configurable and probably boring to work on. Now my ui is all gummed up between multiple installs across steam, non steam, and other computers, I don't know what is default and what is configured, if the details change but I opt out of staying up to default. Is it default that people don't see metal spots? I thought toggleing the economic overlay just adds visual noise to unit wrecks and more clearly identifies geothermals.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
how can you save this option to be enabled on game start?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
DErankAdminmojjj: with Simple Settings, it's (in-game) Settings/Interface/Start with Economy Overlay. With Simple Settings unchecked it's Settings/Interface/Economy Overlay/Start with Economy Overlay
+1 / -0