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Title: what the pho?
Host: AUrankhaznitz
Game version: Zero-K v1.6.12.0
Engine version: 104.0.1-287-gf7b0fcc
Battle ID: 675971
Started: 6 years ago
Duration: 37 minutes
Players: 24
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: None
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Page of 4 (70 records)
6 years ago
Watch Zenfur from ~9 minutes to see how he abuses an exploit. Ban him please.
+2 / -1
Fix the lobster so its link is spherical instead of infinite height cylinder. Not sure if my shamanism this game made any difference. (because of the delay between order and anything happening: the projectiles took a fair minute or so to get delivered - without constant micro its useless)
+2 / -2
6 years ago
nah, berthas and all our mexes killed from nowhere does not take any effect
+0 / -0
6 years ago
You constantly focused mexes in the back. It definitely made a huge difference and I am sure it is the only reason you could hold on, even though we had early map advantage and eco advantage pretty much throughout the whole game.

That could also be the rason why mid shield was drained. I think there were effects visible showing attacks from orbit to the mid shield.

The explit also explains the starfall kind of damage in the match before, where you focused our units or structures in the back, where they should have been safe.

Yea, and you said 'it was only that one game'...
+1 / -0

6 years ago
First of all, I watched Zenfur develop this trick and I know for a fact it took a lot of effort to do. He tested it out in a real game to see if he could - that's hilarious! But get this straight, no one's getting banned. Move on folks.
+3 / -2

6 years ago
fxrss what I meant is that after 1 success (out of 2 attempts) I do not plan to use it any more. I hoped that more people would find it hilarious (for how ridiculous it is) than offensive. My apologies for anyone who thinks that I ruined the game for them.

It may or may not be a bannable offense. It's not my call, I'm not an admin. If it is I accept that.
+1 / -0
wrong place for "testing"
wrong amount for "testing" as he did this before.
other people got banned for things like this, why doesnt he
edit: also i dont remember i got a message like "hey im testing some of my new cheats", i wouldnt have joined then
+2 / -0

6 years ago
Snoke - Deep down, do you really think it's an appropriate measure - or are you willing to accept that you might be being going a little bit too far? Zen's a good dude and he said he's not going to be repeating it.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
wtf? i am going too far, what did i do?
+0 / -0
i got banned immediatly once i abused a bug. (2 times i got banned for this, once was a mistake, admins seemed to just rush on the ban button)

and it wasnt even a huge clusterfuck where i destroy game of 30 players
+0 / -0
I don't remember people getting banned for things like this (permacloak blastwings, orbital snipers, etc) - but i do remember bugfix releases.

Hm, i guess that was about the infinite mex, but that was also a repeat case iirc.
+1 / -0
so this, and http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/675947 isnt repeat case? (what already proves this wasnt testing purpose, completely forgetting its also as big huge public clusterfuck room completly wrong place for testing bugs)
but i do remember bugfix releases.

bugfixes make you immune to game rules? (and i idiot just donated money)

cant be you get through with bug abusing just because your name is zenfur
+1 / -0

6 years ago
From what game rules? This mechanic is described in the folder called LuaRules :P
+0 / -0
so you say i got banned unfairly? (it actually feels so)


else i would have referred to http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Zero-K:Code_of_Conduct
+1 / -0

6 years ago

Zenfur didn't cheat. He used lobsters skillfully to get his unit to a height and use it to fire, all well within existing game rules, just like newton bombing.

Case closed. Can you please drop it snoke
+2 / -2
thats not a solid argument Sparkles.
i used mexes skillfully within all existing game rules.
its a shame i get banned for such things,
but when youre called zenfur u dont.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Hm, do you still use that lotus widget that lets you magically detect scythes without using scouts?
+1 / -1
6 years ago
i magically get banned for building mexes
+0 / -0
but yes i do use my lotus script referring to COC 4. Maintain Fairness
...Helper widgets that control your units, sound warnings, place marks etc. are fine...
but nice try Anarchid
+0 / -0
6 years ago
so what about my lotus script Anarchid, sounds bit off topic
+0 / -0
Page of 4 (70 records)