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can't see zero-k games in Spring Lobby

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6 years ago

Help me please! I have installed Springlobby from official repo on my linux just now. But unfortunally I can't see zero-k games within it. I just see Absolute Annihilation, Balanced Annihilation, Evolution, Metall Faction and many other games except zero-k within it.

+0 / -0
SpringLobby doesn't support the Zero-K server unless that was implemented unbeknownst to me. I think you're looking at the Spring lobby server.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
The easiest way to get Zero-K on Linux currently is downloading it on Steam.
Another option is the Itch.io version, see: http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Download
They are pretty much the same version.

If you have any problems, let us know.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
zero-k is not available on linux steam/ invalid platform error appears when I try to install it.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Interesting. I was under the impression that you no longer needed Beta keys to get Zero-K on Linux (since the Steam Overlay is disabled on the Windows version too, there should not be any difference).

You can get a beta Linux key using discord, see here: https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/25511?postID=192119#192119
+1 / -0

6 years ago
We can't release officially on Linux until it runs out of the box on SteamOS. That needs an engine update which hasn't happened yet. Until then you'll either have to ask Histidine on Discord to PM you a beta key or use the itch.io version. The only difference in the steam version is that you can play the campaign in coop mode.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I'm not shure you are fully understand me. As I sad before steam say zero-k is available on windows only. Linux user can't download it/ "invalid platform" error accured/ see screenshot below please.

watch Win Icon near the "Play" button/ no Linux Icon !!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Yes, the game is not officially available for Linux on Steam. You need to either use a Beta-Key which allows you to install the game on Steam, or use the non-Steam version from itch.io.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Oh! now i understand. I would like to be Linux beta tester))
+2 / -0
Is there any particular reason we need to ask for key manually? Can't this key just be displayed on web site in download section?...
+0 / -0
well after few research i can do some conclusion and make some advice. maybe you find it reasonable.

first of all monjaro is much easer then debian/ubuntu distribution. as you can see in distrowatch it is on first place of every linux distros. As 5 years debian/ubuntu user I can agree with this.

And what I have to say is than every instruction for linux user is not works on manjaro linux.

1. zero-k_linux64.sh not works
2. https://zerok.itch.io/zero-k instruction not works/ i expect it works on debian/ubuntu linux perfect

I think it would be useful for project if you foresee manual instruction for manjaro linux. I have tested it and it works simple as

1. download lobby from http://zero-k.info/lobby/Zero-K.exe
2. create /home/.../zero-k
3. move Zero-K.exe to creared directory
4. install mono
5. run $mono Zero-K.exe
+0 / -0
Not every Linux user will know or want to know about command line stuff. We have a manual install page, but looks like it's not linked to from Downloads any more: https://zero-k.info/Wiki/DownloadLinux
I agree with you on that the only way to install Zero-K on any linux distribution is having a list of things to install in addition to Zero-K.exe, and then describing all the many ways how to install those things.
I'm sure that we would be happy if you wanted to contribute install instructions for Manjaro on that page.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
of course. manjaro manual is easy as run this commands

# installing mono package
$ sudo pacman -S mono

# make game directory inside user home
$ cd ~
$ mkdir Zero-K
$ cd Zero-K/

# downloading lobby
$ wget http://zero-k.info/lobby/Zero-K.exe

# to start run
$ mono ~/Zero-K/Zero-K.exe

you can edit/extend this manual as you wish ) i havn't wiki expirience before. I think you may add it yourself
+1 / -0
For Debian-based distros we also needed to install these things:


Since some maps are 7zip files, wget was used for some downloads, xprintidle for debugging, and simply "mono" did not include all of the parts of Mono that are being used. Also, if you have no games installed before Zero-K, we also needed to install SDL2 ( libsdl-2.0 ). Are you sure these are not needed on manjaro? Do you have them installed?

Also, before the itch.io client, I had a script that would install ZK for Linux. You would run it after extracting it to a folder, which would then become the game folder. It does not depend on any debian stuff, should work on all Linux computers. However, it does not know how to install the dependencies except on Debian based distros.

installdir=$( dirname "${0}" )

# User install folders

# Where to place .desktop file
# Where to place icon

# Setup dependencies ...
pkgmanager=$( which apt-get )
pkx=$( which pkexec )
if [ -n "${pkgmanager}" -a -n "${pkx}" ]
${pkx} ${pkgmanager} -y install mono-complete libsdl2-2.0-0 libopenal1 libcurl3 zenity libgdiplus

# Binary name

# Setup ZK...
cd ${installdir}
wget -N https://zero-k.info/lobby/${bin} 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | sed -u "s/^ *[0-9]*K[ .]*\([0-9]*%\).*/\1/" | zenity --progress --text "Downloading Zero-K Lobby..." --title "Downloading Zero-K" --auto-close --auto-kill --no-cancel
chmod +x ${bin}

# Create .desktop file for launching Zero-K from the menu
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Exec=mono ${installdir}/${bin}
Comment=Free real time strategy (RTS) game
" > "${installdir}/Zero-K.desktop"
chmod +x "${installdir}/Zero-K.desktop"

# Verify local folders exist
if [ ! -d "$apps" ]
mkdir "$apps"

if [ ! -d "$icons" ]
mkdir "$icons"

mv "${installdir}/Zero-K.desktop" "${apps}/."

mv "${installdir}/Zero-K.png" "${icons}/."

# Delete itself
zenity --info --title "Done\!" --text "Zero-K is now installed\! You can find it in your applications menu."
rm "${0}"
+0 / -0
yes i'm shure/ i have removed mono from my manjaro and all data from Zero-K direcroty and started again all commands from one to one/ it works like a charm.

Unfortunaly i don't know about shortcut creation in terminal on manjaro/ i do it with GUI/ it depends on desktop. I use XFCE but other people can use another one/ maybe some one other append this section later/

PS^ i did not install wget and others libs/ looks like they present into base distro
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I made an update, check it out here: https://zero-k.info/Wiki/DownloadLinux
+1 / -0
6 years ago
looks good
+0 / -0