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Why do people morph their com over level 6?

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6 years ago
Does it give you some bonus? And if not then why can you even do that?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Does it give you some bonus?

It gives 3 module slots per level.

And if not then why can you even do that?

Around level 30 (depending on chassis and module choices) you run out of modules to choose from but you can still morph, which doesn't grant any permanent bonus (it resets aggro and cooldowns though). As far as I can tell this is not really on purpose, it's rather a rare edge case that doesn't ever come up in real games so nobody bothered to handle it. Disallowing morph at that point sounds fine (patches welcome). At some point in the future commanders are likely to get redesigned ( see http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/24926 ) at which point some other solution may appear: a hard level limit or maybe some form of infinite growth (eg a stackless module or per-level intrinsic bonus).

Why do people morph their com over level 6?

Casual playstyle based around heavy micro of 1 unit (see the recent popularity of DotA clones).
+3 / -0
6 years ago
Uh then why I only have 13 modules in 6 levels on http://zero-k.info/My/Commanders ?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
pre-designing coms on web page only supports up to level 6, but you can still morph and choose modules ingame when morphing beyond that level
+0 / -0
6 years ago
because that is not updated and only shows the same as always
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Because they want to lose faster.
+3 / -0
Actually commanders are meh nowadays.

The good ol' days when com had only 5 lvls, and u had to think what you could do with those 10 or so modules, and still u were able to make a com which could either snipe another com from another side of map, or make a tank with ridiculous range riot cannons.

Now coms became fatter initially, but they have much worse modules, making them almost useless in every game.

(Remember old rezzy com? Why was car's nano nerfed to 5BP, my necro com takes 10 hours to rezz a Reaper (Ogre? Mammoth? Minotaur? Whatever it's new name is).

I'm gonna sleep in my rocking chair now.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
I miss the old coms. The new comms seem utterly useless outside of d bomb and dgun.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
What made old coms useful except for disbomb/dgun?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
cloaked double ultra-range sniper com
ranged double riot runner
ultra mobile nano/rezzer
i hereby summon DErankXivender , master of com-builds for more options (challenged by PTrankraaar)
+1 / -0
cloaked double ultra-range sniper com
ranged double riot runner

Common term: range
Is that it?
+0 / -0
Actually, they had better X* per cost.

(* - put anything that modules give here )

Now, if I put 10 nanos into engeener commander, I get what? 60, 65BP? And the com costs about 9001 metal.

There is virtually no situation it's worth to morph com beyond lvl 1 nowadays.

The range point is about skuttles. Ranged coms could stay behind front line and be almost sneaky-proof.
But there were commanders that had low range, but they were cloacked and had massive alpha (d gun com, cloakied jumpy with some D-weapon etc.) Or commanders that were not tanky at all, but had huge DPS and were using low alpha guns (flamethrower, MGs, heatrays) and they could be screened by other units.

The main point - now there is no point in morphing commanders, because you always have at least one more better way to spend this metal. In the past nice com build's could be comparable to unit blob in certain situation, now it's just a piece of walking junk, and the only reason not to reclaim it, is because it gives u 5m/e per second...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
The answer is obvious! Because they are LOBSTERS.
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