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Happy lobster year Anno Domini 2019

9 posts, 714 views
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I'm surprised noone has started this thread yet.
So here am I.

Happy lobster year to you all, and have a fail time partying.
+14 / -0
6 years ago
Merry lobster! And happy new zear!
+4 / -0
Happy lobsters are happy,many fireworks where in the cooking pot despite the fire hazzard,many a lobsters got cooked.
I wish everyone a happy new year and bla bla etc..!

P.S:Add 2019 to title for reference sake!
+2 / -0
6 years ago
[Inserts video Shaman found of that robot fighting a real life lobster!]

!resign 2018!

Should auld lobsters be forgot,
And never brought to MM?
Should auld lobsters be forgot,
And auld lang syne...
+3 / -0
6 years ago
happy lobyear, may your lobwish come true and many more to come
+3 / -0

6 years ago
In this horoscope, every year is a year of fhe Lobster.

Good luck, hangover fun :P
+3 / -0
[Inserts video Shaman found of that robot fighting a real life lobster!]

!resign 2018!

Should auld lobsters be forgot,
And never brought to MM?
Should auld lobsters be forgot,
And auld lang syne...

Congratulations, your poem is now on my stream intermission thingy. Not sure anyone saw it earlier, but I gave you a shoutout! Would love to give more community representation on my stream.

Stay 0k cool in the new years folks! ZK Represent!
+2 / -0
we have a new manual. printed edition.

+5 / -0
6 years ago
that is the best thing that ever happened to zero-k
+1 / -0