I guess with the stance of admins playing hardline police, and being high on own power its questionable whether i want to be part of your community anymore. Over last years i seen decline of zk community, from once alive place where people had church together, felt free to experiment and had playful time together without any comitee oversight and regulations "for the good of the comunity", where people just vote kick another if they were assholes, where everyone had say over zk than implementing whole legislative beurocracy and approval proces. I guess it comes in tune to some satanic vibes and names seeping into unit names of the game. Zk had cool pirate vibes from its roots from bootlegged game. But you managed to make it all clean. Also introduction of forced metal sharing also kills it. Its like saying "have fun or else" with a govt gun to your head. Keep in mind zk is opensource, and if you will continue on this, a FORK might happen like openoffice/libreoffice thing.

It was a cool place to have fun away from the work, with a bonfire atmosphere, but it got reduced to something like this with verbal sniping, snitching and power trips.. Kinda sucks you guys chose hardline lording over "users" than simply being nice, and siding with drama queens and crywolves, and its not only about snoke. You also side with people having "fun by your numbers" than simply having fun. And yea. it comes from a vegan, but even we have limits to our stuff and treet it only as addition to life, not life itself, and you got this on the lose...
If you guys really want it that way that bad i will not stand in your way to be cannon fodder of your agendas and power trips.
Im off for xmas anyway, whether i will return i will think hard about it over next few days... few other guys left zk for good citing new players and such, but i think deep down its more about stuff like so, but they couldnt put a finger on it. enjoy your wins if its all that you have now, some time ago zk was addition to life full of cool stuff and now its srs bzns. And its not really me bitching about admins being dicks and "threatening players with a stick" if they dont PlayRight™, others see it as well.
And yea. that whole authoritarian play right or youll get a stick happend to me literally by admins threatening like that...
There were comedies made from this.. like at 1:08:54
Also you guys and many admins accused me of troll-play. Not only i have problem with lazy lobsters, *the man*, telling me how to do my stuff.. ;)
I'm more than sure that it will fall on deaf ears, and you guys will see it like the joke where wife leaves a message on a fridge "its not working, i need a time to think it through" and guy opens up fridge and sees cold beer and light on and wonder wtf its all about.
xoxo, your one and only rooks
you guys got old, and im not speaking of gaining a number. its deeper than that... whether i wanna get back ill think of it really hard..
anyhoo. merry christmass yall, or whatever you do this solstice and happy new year :) and go vegan :P