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Com Torps are teh sux (pt II)

14 posts, 972 views
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13 years ago
With the addition of amphibious units, coms are in greater need of torp weapons than every before, and the current one it still terrible.

Any chance of a buff?
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13 years ago
Now that a buff would be less likely to result in comms beating up subs this could be done.
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Perhaps we can change it to duck's weapon,so it would be useful on land?
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13 years ago
significant buff, like 2x DPS, would be every flavor of benefical. sea is rush happy because boy is basically useless
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Qwerty3w's idea is utter win, just saying.
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13 years ago
+1 for querty
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13 years ago
Well, shit. Qwerty3w won the thread at the third post.
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12 years ago
Duck is technically 2 weapons. This means changing the custom commander lua so that extra slots can be put in for one module. Then changing all 3 commander scripts capable of having torps so that they have weapon slots for 4 weapons, and stuff in there to prevent them from firing both types of torpedoes at once in shallows. For this one circumstance.

It's not a terrible idea it isn't trivial. Lucky all the commander scripts are in lua so they don't need me for this.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How would making duck's land weapon waterweapon=1 and getting rid of the other work? How would it be different from having a hacky workaround?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The ducks land weapon is a slow, inaccurate cannon. Though technically a torpedo IS a ballistic weapon when fired on land, you cannot make it fire at surface targets. The only way to make a torpedo fire on land is to make it a submissile: A torpedo that tracks even when in the air (IE treats everything as water).

If we also wanted it to be a slow projectile weapon in the water it could be done (Note, cannons are ballistic and lose range with height- IE, deep water). Ships are fairly easy to hit with such a weapon due to their large volumes, but they are also very fast. On a longer range weapon like the comm one, there is a good chance to miss. This is also going to hit hovers, ofc (In fact, duck should probably shoot its ballistic torps at hovers if we wanted to be consistent... but then everything should really because 'breaching' is VERY easy for torps).

Comm Torp probably just needs a buff. The only reason it needs to be usable on land is because of hovers, but if you're starting IN the sea you wont be able to fire your land weapon at them anyway. If you're going to be on land AT ALL you should use a jumpcom (Trivial to jump to/from sea away from either torps or hovers, and you can jump-to-shoot, which is why jumpcom doesnt have torps).
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12 years ago
+1 for qwerty3w.
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I would like to see more amphibious commander weapons. On land we have the choice of emphasising range, accuracy, damage output, AoE or tracking when choosing our weapon. In sea we have the choice of Torps, or not Torps.

Commander needs waterpistol asap
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Anything would be better than the puny 60 DPS the torpedo weapon deals right now.

A super-soaker weapon would be rad, though,
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12 years ago
I think two different weapons, the current torpedo (but buffed) as one weapon, and the duck gun as another. Too bad the duck gun is actually two guns or it would be a lot easier to do :O
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