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[WebSite] EDIT-Button

13 posts, 1090 views
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13 years ago
Hi, i dont know who develop the Website of Zero-k...

@ the dev:
I think we need a EDIT-Button for our posts.
(because to correct some mistakes or other)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
+0 / -0
13 years ago
oh, and a another thing that have to be changed on the website are the dropwonlists by the commander configuration. They are unsorted! its very annoying.

I dont know how you fill the Boxes with date, but if you doing it with SQL, so just set a "order by xyz" behind the query. Then it will be sortet :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
*fill the boxes with -->data<-- (not date ^^)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You can insert a java script in the website :)

There are some firefox plugins ...


I suggest to sort the items by level, and add X "-" characters too level X equipments.

levels = array
( array( "level", "1", "morphs" )
, array( "level", "2", "morphs" )
, array( "level", "3", "morphs" )
, array( "level", "4", "morphs" )
e = getElementById( "ID from >select>" );
?// get child html nodes of e
// some sort code
e.innerHtml = "sorted result";
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i dont know if a sort by level would be usefull, because my problem is to find a module very fast.
i Just want so find and select a spcific modle in the lowest time what is possible. Actually the boxes are unsortet, so i have to ready evry entry, what takes.

@ionstorm. Is a sorting by lvl really usefull? i dont think so because in lvl 1 and 2 u cant select lvl 3 and 4 modules.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i forgott, why java script if a sort can do by a SQL? in SQL its only some letters to sort the data ^^
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I know :)
But SQL=server, JS=OurPC <--

What's about dropdown boxes like this?
| Plasma arti
| ...
| HighPowerServos
| ...
| AblativeArmour
| AreaShield
| AreaCloak
| ...
| Drones
| ...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
edit-button: some suggestions

posts which have been edited, are marked as "unread" (mail symbol in light yellow)

is it possible to "highlight" new, unread the parts? else the reader has to read EVERYthing again, which is very annoying...

small change, big effect/benefit.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Its not a small change nor big benefit :)
You need to code diff and process it which slows display significantly or you need to precache it in db (from every possible version to latest because different people saw different last!) which adds complexity.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
just tag the content made by a edit within the users post (as diff to 1st, original post only), reuse the tagged materials with 2nd post (dont remember each edit), and mark the edited part in new color...

+0 / -0

13 years ago
Still sounds very complex, feel free to code it.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
seems only me who misses this here.

for now i wont do it ;) no time...
+0 / -0