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Zero-K v1.6.5.6 - Balance and map updates

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6 years ago

Here are some balance changes a result your feedback and our matchup data. Tanks and Thunderbird have received nerfs while the Rover and Spider riots have small buffs. We have also rotated out four maps from the matchmaker.


  • Otago 1.1
  • Shimmershore v1.0
  • Zed 2.3
  • Obsidian_1.5
  • Desert Needle Small 3.2
  • Vittra v2.1
  • Barren 2
  • Hide_and_Seek_v03


Blitz has less damage to nerf it against Glaive and a little less range to nerf it against everything.
  • Damage 200 -> 180
  • Range 260 -> 245
Ripper should generally be better against raiders.
  • Range 290 -> 300
  • Reload 1.7 -> 1.633
Widow has a bit more range to help it reach tall turrets on cliffs.
  • Range 100 -> 120
Thunderbird hits targets in a thinner line but should do approximately the same amount of single target damage.
  • AoE 192 -> 160
  • Spray angle reduced by 1/6th
  • Damage (per bolt) 675 -> 650
Redback and Scorpion particle beams have a bit more burst. This is a 5% increase to DPS.
  • Damage 60 -> 70
  • Reload 0.3 -> 0.333


  • Added a jumpjet loadscreen by thetryhardrabbit
  • Added a sonic gun sound by Apelsinsaft


  • Fixed Chainsaw firing issue.
  • Fixed some unit shader issues on poor graphics cards.
  • Fixed set target command in rectangle mode.
+5 / -0
6 years ago
In what universe is zed or obsidian a better map than hide and seek?
+4 / -0
The range of Crab and Recluse is still the same (less than Stinger) I gather? There's been a bit of discussion about Crab / Recluse here:
+0 / -0

6 years ago
nice changes.
Especially adequate nerf to thunderbird.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
In what universe is zed or obsidian a better map than hide and seek?

Well, Hide & Seek is ugly as hell, that't one thing.
+0 / -0
The featured version didn't have to be ugly as hell:

or this one:

or this:

Is there any hope of getting these maps updated? Don't care about hide and seek now that it's removed but lava highgrounds and sapphire have had unpickable updates for a long time. I've made github tickets and posts and stuff, not sure what else to do.
+4 / -0
6 years ago
Personally, I favor Zed and Obsidian over Hide and Seek.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
It takes some coordination to put new maps in the Steam build. Alternately, we could stop putting all featured maps in the build. I would still want all the matchmaker maps in the build though.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
DErankBrackman - says the person who never plays 1v1.
Quite like the people who choose MM maps now that I think about it...
I guess any map that doesnt follow the "walk to middle and porc" type gameplay must be removed. Can you imagine the horror of having an actually unique map?!

This blitz nerf is also so lolz. Kodachis are better against glaives than blitz ever were. But yeah, sure, lets nerf random things because very flawed winrate statistics say so.
Pointless change that doesn't change anything. HT still stomps early, then dies to rocko/warrior swarm.
+1 / -2

6 years ago
It takes some coordination to put new maps in the Steam build. Alternately, we could stop putting all featured maps in the build. I would still want all the matchmaker maps in the build though.

I don't think I like that idea, even if it would make my contributing easier. It seems like every antivirus these days except Windows Defender wants to pick a fight with spring/chobby/pr-downloader. Many cases of people fixing map downloads by disabling antivirus.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Hide and Seek is a good map, but it is a hard map. At lower levels it often doesn't facilitate a game past the first push because most of our player base is used to having at least one side choked off (usually two). Maybe it should be saved for tournaments?
+1 / -0
6 years ago
>Maybe it should be saved for tournaments?
Ah, so never gets played.

>At lower levels it often doesn't facilitate a game past the first push because most of our player base is used to having at least one side choked off (usually two).

I dont even know what this is supposed to mean. Lobsters gonna lob no matter the map. How can we justify keeping titan duel in the pool then? It has no chokes, oh no! Doesn't facilitate good game-play in minds of people who don't even play!
+1 / -0
In hide and seek you start away from any sides of the map. You need to defend from 360 degrees.

On titan duel you start in the corner of the map. You need to defend 90 degrees.

Can you really not see how this might be more difficult?

I dunno man you're feeling like [Fx]Drone-lite
+2 / -0
You need to defend from 360 degrees.

but... thats a good thing
+3 / -0
6 years ago
DErankBrackman - says the person who never plays 1v1.

When I play ZK I play 1v1 often. Maybe you only looked at the last games shown on my profile page which are a series of very short games vs AI where I did some tests. Also, I have too many other things to do in my life to play as much ZK as others do. That's ok. But I can still say my opinion. I do like unique maps btw.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I agree with Snugglebass.

Hide n Seek IS a good map, but it isn't a noob map. I struggle mightily on it, to my shame.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I think the featured version of Hide and Seek was a bad map, its hard to distinguish where vehicles & hovers can and can't path. That new pretty version above looks good though!
+0 / -0
Please revert the damage nerf on Blitz. Range nerf was enough, double nerfing was way overreacting. Either that or lower it even more and reduce cost for ~250.

Also while at it, Archer could have less range or less speed or less knockback.

Examples of Archer ruining enemy's christmas:

+0 / -0
6 years ago
Yea the Blitz nerf is way too much. What happened to making small changes? Its a raider and an alpha-damage unit, it really shouldn't get big changes like this. Either revert the range or the damage nerf please.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Imo alpha raiders shouldn't be a thing. Too difficult to balance. Look at dagger, that is what happens when alpha raider isnt OP. It kills glaives easily, and dies to everything else horribly.
+0 / -0