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LordOfTrolls teamkilling, and a message to the Devs

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6 years ago
About an hour ago, I witnessed an incident on Stormsiege V3 between LordOfTrolls and Czesio. They were both on my team, Czesio built a trinity nuke silo. LordOfTrolls demanded that Czesio give him his nuke silo, but Czesio refused. Czesio's first nuke hit an anti, LordOfTrolls proceeded to call him an idiot, and continued to ask for his silo. Czesio continued to refuse, then finally told LordOfTrolls to fuck off when he wouldn't stop spam labelling his silo. LordOfTrolls then proceeded to build a tactical missile silo and built 2 tactical nukes, and used them to destroy Czesio's trinity nuke silo out of butthurt.

The replay can be found here: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/549786

At approx 30 minutes, LordOfTrolls builds his tactical missile silo, and at about 33 minutes, sends his 2 nukes to destroy his own teammates trinity. Looking at the replay, lol our team was screwed. But if people did this kind of thing everytime the other team had an advantage, well, what's the point of playing? What's the point of like 20 people investing 30-45 minutes in a game if one person does shit like this just because they are mad or didn't get their way?

Normally I wouldn't bother to make a writeup of an incident like this, but this is not the first time I have seen LordOfTrolls do something like this, and LordOfTrolls most recently made a post under _Shaman's apology thread with the following words:

"I wish most players would follow myself and members of my clan in our endeavors to keep Zero-K respectful and fun for everybody."
LordOfTrolls indeed.

To the Devs:

I have been playing this game on and off for about 4 years, you guys have done a great job with the game because it's fun as hell. When I saw it was released on Steam I congratulated you on a job well done and considered making a video to plug it on my modestly small (1700 subs) YouTube channel to help you guys out, and I was going to push it to my contacts in the gaming news industry to tell them to check it out.

But I didn't. And I'll tell you why. I've been playing on and off for 4 years. The GAME is great. The problem is the community. Not ALL the community mind you, and this part is not specific to LordOfTrolls, but there is a cancer in your midst that is hindering your ability to grow. Your n00bs get blasted with cancerous abuse by some of your veterans constantly, and it makes me sick. TBH it's why I could never stay around too long. Eventually I'd encounter an instance so disgusting, I would leave for another 6-12 months. I know at least 5 people that love this game, but HATE the community because of this very reason and have never returned. Some of your vets are helpful, and at least tell your n00bs WHY or HOW they can do better, but others just hurl abuse constantly. Now if the devs don't care about this, so be it. Some of the same people that have been around since I started playing are still hurling abuse like an old man with his cane telling the kids to get off his lawn like it is their right to abuse anyone new to THEIR community. But now it seems that more and more people are not just using words, but spitefully ruining their own teammates games, and that is not fun to be a part of.

Just thought I'd drop my 2 cents, because I want you guys to succeed, but not like this.

+5 / -0
Nice name "Sabotage"
+0 / -0

6 years ago
1v1 queue is almost always friendly and competitive :)

The few bad apples really spoil the bunch for me. My solution is to eat fewer apples.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
Czesio built a trinity nuke silo

Not entirely true, lordoftrolls started the nuke with the afk units, then about halfway through it was given away by afk manager.

After the player wasted 2 nukes in a row on areas protected by antis, LordofTrolls repeatedly demands the nuke silo back, then this exchange transpires:

followed by tacnuke friendly fire:

the troll lord resigns and leaves shortly after

+5 / -0

6 years ago
Eventually I'd encounter an instance so disgusting, I would leave for another 6-12 months.

You sound like an absolute lettuce, how do you even survive in the real world
+3 / -1
I don't really think the devs can necessarily deal with the community, mainly due to a simple fact; you can't control a community. If the devs tried to get rid of said "cancerous" individuals, there would be 2 outcomes:
1. the devs would be insulted by community members who respected/were friends of the cancerous "individual"
2. the person would return and probably start a riot on the forums that can't be stopped
(both are more likely to both happen at the same time honestly)

Heres the thing to remember, people like @lordoftrolls have high positions in the game, from a community perspective.
You can't just get rid of them.

Take it from me, a new player to this game; you only find cancer if you're not listening and are looking for cancer
+1 / -0

6 years ago

I have been playing this game on and off for about 4 years, you guys have done a great job with the game because it's fun as hell. When I saw it was released on Steam I congratulated you on a job well done and considered making a video to plug it on my modestly small (1700 subs) YouTube channel to help you guys out, and I was going to push it to my contacts in the gaming news industry to tell them to check it out.

On a side note, don't talk like this. You are trying to use how much you like the game and your "media contacts" as a persuasion method.
+3 / -0
USrankfenrave you're right in that banning people is always very problematic. New players tend to be very wary of games with "rampant" admins. I would never bother wasting my time learning a game if there's even just a slight chance of getting unjustly banned.

CArankSaB0TaG3 thanks for your report, we're discussing possible penalties. Next time please use the report button on the player's profile or username in-game instead of the forums. This is not a place to accuse players.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
CHrankAdminDeinFreund as a former head admin on a game, i know that feel
+0 / -0
Corrections to CArankTheMooseIsLoose's description:
  • czesio started the silo construction, it was AFK transferred to LordOfTrolls who built part of it, then it was AFK returned to czesio
  • "Requests" to give silo started shortly after completion, before any launch occured
  • Second nuke launch was by CArankSaB0TaG3 (after being informed that enemy anti was disabled; but south team had backups)

Banned for a week.

USrankfenrave: I personally reject the notion that an admin team should permit toxic individuals to run roughshod over a community out of fear of what they or their partisans might do if penalized.
+5 / -1
6 years ago
DeinFreund/Histidine: Thanks for the response, I don't seek to have anyone permanently banned or removed from the community, but as you're going to have an influx of more players the earlier you get the small in-group of abusive and vindictive players to behave, the easier your job will be in the long run.

fenrave: You have to indicate to your community the behaviour you find unacceptable, and you need to punish antisocial behaviour or it becomes the norm and escalates out of control. Allowing an in-group of people that have "high positions" in the game to abuse others without repercussions is the death of a game. You said you were a former admin, how do you not understand this? Or is this why you are no longer an admin? As for my contacts in the gaming press, I merely stated that I wasn't going to recommend for them to review it because the reviewers will encounter these issues and I'd rather have Zero-k figure out how they are going to deal with these things BEFORE it gets press. You thought it was some sort of veiled threat or "persuasian method" (persuasion method for what? To what purpose?), while the fact of the matter is that I don't recommend games that aren't A+. My message to the Devs was to explain how they could improve.

[Fx]Drone: I remember you from when I played a year or two ago, seems you haven't changed if you still support abusive behaviour and teamkilling. I survive in the real world by not condoning it or associating with people with antisocial behaviour, especially in a game I play for fun. If you're wondering why the community was so small for so long, this is why.
+0 / -0
6 years ago

Next time I sneeze on a player, I might get lethal injection.

This is burlesque.
+0 / -1
6 years ago
And for the love of God, CArankSaB0TaG3 get a roommate in San Francisco and write poems about rainbows there.

Unjustified bans will not solve anything. And what you call "toxic" is simply relative to your own sensitivity, which is obviously very high.

On a side note, I'm happy for Zero-K, thanks to you and your "media contacts" ZK will soon be on OUT magazine. Congrats!
+0 / -1

6 years ago
You have to indicate to your community the behaviour you find unacceptable, and you need to punish antisocial behaviour or it becomes the norm and escalates out of control. Allowing an in-group of people that have "high positions" in the game to abuse others without repercussions is the death of a game. You said you were a former admin, how do you not understand this? Or is this why you are no longer an admin? As for my contacts in the gaming press, I merely stated that I wasn't going to recommend for them to review it because the reviewers will encounter these issues and I'd rather have Zero-k figure out how they are going to deal with these things BEFORE it gets press. You thought it was some sort of veiled threat or "persuasian method" (persuasion method for what? To what purpose?), while the fact of the matter is that I don't recommend games that aren't A+. My message to the Devs was to explain how they could improve.

I understand that perfectly fine, the issue begins is when a large portion of a community support the behavior you find "unacceptable," also what abusive behavior is and not is also entirely subjective, I personally come from a community where being a toxic ass or an edgy kid is fine.

The persuasion thing i was refering to was basically "I know these guys and i can tell them about zero-k and your game would get attention but because of a personal opinion, i don't think its worthy," tl;dr, you were using the media contacts as a way to push the devs to deal with said "cancerous" individuals, hence why its a persuasion method. Also you used your channel but because of how youtube works, that probably would only bring in 2 or 3 players.

You said you were a former admin, how do you not understand this?

Are you really trying to use that against me? I perfectly understand that said people in "high positions," that do "evil" things deserve to be punished. My point on my post earlier was that the situation was too close to call, after seeing CArankTheMooseIsLoose analysis after all.

MYrankAdminHistidine cleared up that and i retract my statement.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
fenrave: I think we can all agree that having people killing their own team in a team game is not good for anyone. My apologies for any statments I made to you regarding being an admin of a game. I felt you took my comments out of context.

LordOfTrolls: You're acting like a butthurt teenager that is unable to take responsibility for his own actions and lashes out at anybody that points out your antisocial behaviour. The admins ruled on this and you are still crying on the forums about your ban and revealing a massive victimhood complex instead of taking some time for self-reflection about your responsibility in this. As for my "sensitivity", I call it like I see it, and what I see is projection from you. I just don't want people like you wasting 45 minutes of my life, and the lives of 20 people because you think it is your right to abuse others as you chat with your little in-group of edgelords that think this is all just great. I know that the devs and admins don't really want to have to deal with the shitshow this is becoming, but when it comes down to it, it is noones fault but your own inability to deal with a slight to your ego. Seems like you can dish it out, but you can't take it.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I know how frustrating team games with nukes can be. My teamate had a nuke. but enemy both had anti nuke. i snuck 2 of those widow spiders in their base, dodgeing turrets and squads of enemy reinforcements going to the front, like some stealth based game. I finally got to the two anti nukes and told my ally to nuke when ready. stunned the two anti nukes and said "nuke now!" he didnt see me stun even tho i said be ready for it so just to be safe he nukes away from the anti nukes and kills.. 3 stardust turrets off on the edge of the map away from anythign else. unfortuantly i was microing those widows so much i neglected my base and it was getting destroyed. he was a new player so i didnt type really angrily at him but i sure felt like it.
+0 / -0