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i keep getting a bug I think

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were my hud dies or freezes i c stuff happen buti cannot do stuff 4 about 20-30 seconds and it happens at the worst times i have tried 2 restart the settings butt i don't think its my computer o and before i could play 2v2 into mid game without getting much lag now it struggles wth 1v1 and 20 units on the map i don't think i have changed my computer at all i havin done any think that i think wood cores it ok thx 4 reading it
+0 / -0

6 years ago
omfg text is unreadable... No commas, no new lines...
Someone needs to go to 1st grade again
+2 / -1
i think its pretty clear what hes saying, hes saying were his hud dies or freezes he c stuff happen but he cannot do stuff 4 about 20-30 seconds and it happens at the worst times he hav tried 2 restart the settings butt he don't think its his computer o and before he could play 2v2 into mid game without getting much lag now it struggles wth 1v1 and 20 units on the map he does't think he has changed his computer at all n he havin done any think that he think wood cores it ok
+4 / -0
6 years ago
since about tuesday, i have experienced an intermittent freeze it is not my computer that causes it. at about the 25 minute mark or so, the UI, and only the UI will freeze for 15-60 seconds in no particular interval. any command i gave during this time is carried out after the freeze stops. but during the freeze i cant zoom, click, the UI doesnt respond as i attempt to shuffle through the menus.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
If I had to say I think it would be something to do with the way the game handles leg for example people with better computers would experience it later on where is since I play this game on a $600 laptop to be honest I was surprised I could even play it but that's beside the point when I play even a one v one about 5 to 10 minutes in game depending on how much spam is on the screen I experienced what I'm going to call the bug and it will appear a lot less in a game that you are spectating finished why my grammar and punctuation with so shit normally I use a voice dude text but recently it's been going a bit shit I've always been really shit at spelling because of a lot of reasons it would take too long to go into but one of them is dyslexia and thanks for replying as quick as you did in spite of my horrible spelling and grammar as you can probably tell The Voice app is working so it's a little bit better in the sense that it's not painful to look at although sometimes it's just laziness although when I do use the voice app a lot of the time I can't pick up certain words and I just don't catch them so sorry if any of that is in this current comment normally you can tell what they are roughly
+2 / -0

6 years ago
If the issue occurs, try logging out and seeing if it continues to occur.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
i am moving my future comments to the thread dedicated to this bug. i have a list of troubleshooting attempts that i will post there.
+0 / -0