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1v1 Tournament - Saturday May 19th

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Date and Time

Start time is 18:00 UTC, Saturday 19th May.
Countdown here - Don't be late!


This will be a standard single elimination tournament with 8-16 players. Semi finals and finals will be Bo3.

I will use Challonge to perform random seed shuffle prior to the start of the tournament. There is always no-shows so will make an attempt to find substitutions at the time otherwise will count as a BYE.


Round 1: TitanDuel 2.2 Round 2: Adansonia v4.1 Semi-Finals: Quicksilver 1.1 Finals: Eye of Horus

Semi-finals/Finals: The loser picks the next map.

Sign Up

You can sign up in this thread or through Challonge.

Anyone can sign up!

Although if there is a weird number of players or too many I will favor based on WHR.

Sign Up List:
See Challonge.

I would like to see a proper 1v1 tournament which showcases the meta and 1v1 at its best. Would be nice if we can raise the level of ZK 1v1 scene a bit. Although of course I recommend all to sign up, even if you are not huge 1v1 player all are welcome.

Trophies / Coin rewards up to admins.

The tournament has concluded - congratz to GBrank[Fx]Drone for winning and thanks all for playing!
+10 / -0

6 years ago
+1 / -0
> Announces tourney less than three days before it happens.
> Doesn't coordinate it with admins/casters.

I would like to see a proper 1v1 tournament which showcases the meta and 1v1 at its best.

Not that I dislike the idea of having a tourney though. The more, the merrier.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Probably should write unofficial tournament as this isn't really being run by admins or devs
+0 / -0

6 years ago
3 days is more than enough time and admins/shadowfury aren't essential.

I'm sure we can get someone streaming it. I'm more interested in seeing good play, I would have done it some other time if Godde wasn't available. Randy said his work hours are pretty random but hopefully he'll participate. You should sign up too CHrankAdminDeinFreund, as many top 10 as possible is ideal.

USrankforcegod no need. Aquanim said he would have done it if he wasnt busy this weekend but being a dev is not exactly a prerequisite. I have in fact hosted ZK tournament before (See here).
+1 / -0
6 years ago
i dont think quicksilver is in the 1v1 matchmaker pool... i dont think many players have experience with it. bit of an odd choice
+0 / -0

6 years ago
it's not in the map pool

Main reason I picked it tbh. Plenty of good maps not in the current pool!
+3 / -0
Dude, I keep my Saturdays mostly free in case these come up. Also, while I normally go visit friends after my Saturday streams, this Monday is a Provincial holiday, so I'm probably going to be visiting them then anyhow.

Long winded way to say: I'm in to cast, stream at my Twitch Channel.
+8 / -0

6 years ago
Should be able to play this one.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
I'm happy to fund a small prize for 1st place if desired. Something like an amazon voucher or a donation in the winning players name to Zero-K for kudos.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
a small prize of a million dollars would be a welcome addition, thanks
+3 / -0

6 years ago
I do have an extra humble bundle order of this:


I am willing to use as 1st prize
+2 / -0
+1 / -0
6 years ago
+0 / -0

6 years ago
put me down as maybe.
+3 / -0
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Sign me up
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Ill join, maybe ill survive the first round even!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
or too many I will favor based on WHR.

No, you should favour first in first serve.

your gonna end up nudging people off at the last minute as hi WHR people arrive... just saying, id be peeved.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Lob me up.
+2 / -0
Page of 3 (53 records)