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Zero-K v1.6.5.0 - Fancy shields

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6 years ago

The fixes and features have stacked to the point that it is time to make a content release. The most noticable change is the much improved shield shader, which only just missed out on inclusion in our initial release. A notable fix is to overkill prevention against healing targets as this was reasonably easy to trigger with light artillery.
  • Added fancy hex grid shield with a wobble effect on impact.
  • Improved Ramp terraform tooltip to make it clearer how to change height.
  • "Exit to Lobby" resigns. If you want to leave and reconnect, for whatever reason, go to Lobby (F11) and press Leave.
  • Default to All Chat when you have no teammates.
  • Added a button to the top left of the UI for defence range settings. Added a setting to draw scouted radar ranges.
  • Updated Kamikaze trophy icon.
  • Fixed some main menu tooltip bugs.
  • Fixed some reconnection detection issues.
  • Fixed low command visibility settings.
  • Fixed Guardian steel skin.
  • Fixed overkill prevention against targets which are regenerating or being repaired.
  • Fixed various minor bugs an errors, especially relating to save/load.
+9 / -0

6 years ago
GJ RUrankivand who made the shader.
+13 / -0

6 years ago

+8 / -0

6 years ago
Looks beautiful when fired upon. The chicken shield is so-so, looks low-res to me.

But, crazy timing doing this before a tourney. Hope things run smoothly!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Ran a lot of test games during the day in a custom host.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
The shield looks nice, but shouldn't the weapon impact effect extend out from the impact point instead of in?
+0 / -0
Added a setting to draw scouted radar ranges.

This is huge, is it default on?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Shield shader is still the old one for me. How do I update or know if I have the right version of Zero-K? I'm playing fine with other people...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
You need to go into your Graphics settings in the lobby and turn them to ultra again.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I'll make the lobby apply new graphics settings correctly.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I'm happy with the update, can't wait for next one.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Added a button to the top left of the UI for defence range settings. Added a setting to draw scouted radar ranges.

The new setting for radar ranges seems to not be preserved between games. There is no option for radar ranges in the settings menu where all the other defense range settings are.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
my eyes are drowining in tears of joy at the greatness of these special effects.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Thanks for the praise guys, appreciate that.
Although shields look better than before, they are unfortunately not without some issues. I'm aware of those and looking for ways to improve.

One thing I'm most impressed with is how impact looks on chicken shields. I never tested it with latest changes to the ripple effect, but man they apparently look gorgeous.
+7 / -0

6 years ago
I think the logic raaar is that the impact immediately leaves a void so to speak and the pulse effect you see is the shield rushing in to fill it/recharge it. Like if something really fast hit the surface of water. The effect would look cool either way I suppose.
Is there a possibility of having a donation account from which work like this could be rewarded or perhaps for hireing freelancers? Likely not as that would cause complications I take it.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
You can always open a bounty on Bountysource or just offer a bribe if you want some feature implemented. But mostly things that work for Spring and ZK tend to have to either be done directly by people already involved, or by people closely managed by those who know the ins and outs. The problem with bribing those people is that they're mostly already overextended and their time supply is inelastic.

There are some cases where this doesn't apply. I think it's possible to use outsider modellers quite successfully, for one thing.
+0 / -0