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save/load doesn't work properly

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6 years ago
Saving and loading doesn't work properly.

Reproducible with:
skirmish game, 1 human vs 1 basic or novice AI

What seems to work:
-units and buildings loaded
-AI is loaded

What doesn't work:
-building build queues. These are altered and the queues and multiplied by about 5 times on load. For eg building 5 of one unit, 1 of another, 1 of yet another, will result in building 25 of the first then 1 of another, and 1 of yet another on load. Ie. 5 gets changed to 25 on load
-building repeat flag is reset. A building on repeat when the game is saved, is loaded without repeat on
-player colour for shields changes to a random colour every time the game is loaded. This might be the same as player colour changing, not sure, but it's really noticeable on shield colour
-caretakers don't assist anymore after loading game. To fix you have to manually select all caretakers and issue a guard order on an empty piece of land

Please fix save and load. It's so close to working perfectly. I use this feature all the time in skirmish and multiplayer. I like having long games that I come back to over several days/play sessions.
+5 / -0

6 years ago
Useful report, good job
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Thanks! :)

I tried to be as detailed as possible to make it easier to track down and fix the issues.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Send your save files, your logs (through "Help" in the main menu) and relevant screenshots of the game before the save. Replays would be even better.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
is this supposed to all work with save/load restoring all these settings?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I've pushed fixes for all four of the listed issues. (The one with the shields is actually them losing all their charge and so turning red)

Thanks for reporting!
+3 / -0
6 years ago
Thanks for the quick fixes. I'll check them out and see how they work.

For the shields, are you talking about the colour issue I reported here or the other issue with the shield areas disappearing and corrupting saves? If it's the colour changing, they literally change every load to different colours, not just red. Can you also fix the other issue I reported with shields disappearing and corrupting saves?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Can you also fix control groups not saving and loading.

+0 / -0

6 years ago
I haven't observed the shield colour randomization myself, so I can't tell what causes it or how to fix at present. We'll see if anyone else reports it and I can narrow it down at the time.

Control groups are on the todo

For the shield disappearance issue, we'll need an infolog (and perhaps a replay) from the game session where the shields fail (not from after loading the broken save).
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Hi, I did provide the info log and uploaded it for the shield disappearing and this was without loading a save. You should already have it.

Can you change your player in-game colour and chat colour somewhere?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
details for shield not working are in here: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/25091?postID=183126
I also posted a bug through the app as I mentioned, which you should already have.
+0 / -0
I assume the report in question is the only error report we've got on the subject (that identifies itself as such), namely this one, whose last error is after loading a broken save.
(It's possible that the log truncation caught the relevant error, but that's in the middle of the log; I was expecting the report to be submitted immediately after the issue was observed).
  • The next time you see shields failing, can you immediately (after saving) go to the report-an-error screen and submit?
  • If you can identify the replay of the affected match that you already have from earlier (look at the listed map, timestamp, etc.), could you upload the corresponding file in <Zero-K directory>/demos?


Can you change your player in-game colour and chat colour somewhere?

Download this file to /LuaUI/Configs (not /Config), open it, change the myColor values.
+0 / -0
I ran a game for 1 hour and didn't see a shield failure, but the save failed due to a memory-related error. Made an issue.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
Will do about the shield failure.

Thx for the script, i'll check it out.

Can you take a look at this issue if you have time:

+0 / -0