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Lveh Balance

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7 years ago
Pls post your opinion on how the factory performs.

My opinion:
Scorcher sucks.
On flat ground, Lveh gets owned by Hovers, struggles against Tanks, Shields and Cloakies.
Wins against Amph and Spiders. Since Spiders are not meant to be a flatland-fac, winning this matchup is irrelevant.
Same with Amph.

My estimation is targeted towards 1v1. In Team-Games, it´s even worse. There, if you are against Tanks, you can immiediatly reclaim your fac and dig your com.
+2 / -0
7 years ago
Darts are a literally useless unit. I suggest removing their worthless peashooter entirely and giving them a small radar radius so they can be better at their niche, scouting.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Maybe scorcher is too expensive. Dart is only useful for scouting early game.. Plz, redesign it or increase his dps.
Otherwise, other LV units are fine.
+0 / -0
Darts are not useless, they're just overpriced fleas with no cloaking and worse pathing. They could cost less.

Overall my primary concern with rovers is that they lack antiheavy options. Some ideas were touted in that direction.
+4 / -0

7 years ago
Blender-powered neonstorm time.

It's a thing that fires a single high-damage slow-reload low-velocity direct-fire unguided heavy rocket from a fixed forward-only launcher.

It's somewhat speedy because while the rocket is armed, the rocket's thrusters are fired to give the unit a speed increase - so once it's fired job, it's actually a lot slower than when it's armed.

That's the concept anyway. The model was done on a whim, so if noone likes or wants it or thinks it's a good idea, i'm fine with dropping it, or adjusting it as required (e.g. if a turret is needed).
+4 / -0

7 years ago
As far as i got it the idea was to prevent the enemy of getting significant heavy forces. Especially with the current state of scorchers, this is a pretty hard thing to pull of.
Imao dart, Slasher, Domi, Ravager, Badger, Crasher and Merl (however called now) are fine. Scorcher and especially Ripper could use a very slight buff. Ripper is just the worst Riot in the game i think. It´s clunky and slow. Maybe buff it´s turrets turn-rate together with that of the scorcher. I would strongly suggerst just doing very slightly, step-by-step-buffs.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
That thing looks nice Anarchid. We could call it Anarchator.
+2 / -0
7 years ago
That is a sexy, sexy model. I think Hunter would be a good name for it.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Scorcher's problem is the heatray mechanics. They're too extreme. It'd probably be fine if the damage falloff were 50% (200-100) instead of 100% (300-0). Interactions between small groups of raiders often happen near the edge of its range, so it deals poor damage.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
I was pondering "just add slow" as the solution to problems and slow for Dart may not be a bad idea. Currently Dart has 55 DPS with 1s reload time. Moderator disruptor beam has 50 normal DPS and 150 slow DPS. Slow is quite good for anti-heavy (similar to Cutter disarm).

When I get time I will look at reducing the time between aim updates. If it works it would primarily affect raiders so I don't really want to make changes before then.
+0 / -0
slow on darts?

so people make 3 dart + 4 scorcher rushes on the enemy commander early in the game?

bad idea.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
there is this thing called "scouting" ;which would prevent that. Its pretty op.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
i find scouting gives me time to make like 1 lotus at my com before a rush hits me.. and 1 lotus makes so little difference.. mostly because i spend allot on cons and mex at start
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I'm shit, but I struggle to handle glaive spam with LV, rippers work but theyre too slow to catch em and overwhelmed when glaive are not clumped, slashers fall apart in numbers for cost and scorchers just a game of chasies, ultimately losing.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Without going into details Starting LV is practically suicide ATM.
Against tanks you have to win early game or you just get steamrolled.
Against hovers just resign in 1v1 or facswitch in team games.

+1 / -0

7 years ago
smoke dragon make 2 llts and set them to high priority. works all the time for me at least.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
wtf lv smashes hovers...
+0 / -0

7 years ago
+0 / -0
7 years ago
@Felthas, not rly.

Dagger kill scorchers, Halberts kill Slashers, Ravagers loose to Scalpels, Badgers and other lv arti loose to penetrator, ripper looses to mace.

So in all improtant categories for a 1v1, LV loose. Now tell me how they trash them?
+0 / -0
1v1 me and I'll show you.

It involves utilizing lots of slashers, dagger weakness to porc, and halberd weakness to scorchers/levelers. Early game can be rough, but once LV gets rolling(heh), there isn't much hover can do.

Multiplayer B485510 2 on TitanDuel 2.2 is a good example. Even with a horrible start for me(too greedy to make defence), that gave snuggle an eco lead, it still wasn't enough.

The other thing is that making lots of halberds makes you very vulnerable to scorcher raids - halberds get rekt by scorchers and can't really defend against them.
+0 / -0
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