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New Ranks and Bugfixes

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7 years ago

The profile page has been redesigned with a focus on removing unneeded text in favor of more intuitive graphical elements. The pages are now styled depending on your in-game rank, following the existing theme of black-body radiation. Instead of relying on fixed rating thresholds, ranks are now defined via percentiles. Ranks can only be gained or lost after holding one's position in the new percentile for multiple games.

Here's a list of the new ranks:
Icon Color Theme Percentile
Gamma ray Singularity Top 1%
X ray Neutron star Top 5%
Blue white Supergiant Top 10%
Bright yellow Giant Top 20%
Orange Subgiant Top 40%
Red Red dwarf Top 60%
Dark red Brown dwarf Top 80%
Infrared Nebula Everyone

These new ranks will be subject to changes as we refine the system. Any feedback is appreciated!

Various fixes

  • Reduce rating inflation directly after a server restart
  • Fix a bug that would lead to the server running out of space
  • Map size is now shown in elmos
  • Fix a bug that would prevent logging in
  • Prevent the game from looking for steam after quitting
+11 / -0
Really like the changes!

IMHO two different level / rank indicators are confusing. Maybe the "important" rank indicator is sufficient?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Not sure if I like the bright blue borders around avatar and faction. There's a slight color difference between the back of the progress bar and the page background, making a black rectangle around the progress bar. Everything else looks great.
+0 / -0
Make sure to clear your cache to see all the changes. Do you have the striped progress bar yak?

I've tried more stylized backgrounds for the Faction/Clan/Unitpic but they didn't work well considering the huge difference in clan icon designs (some with alpha, some with black backgrounds, some with different colors...). Could you propose a different image frame?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I propose no image frame and the novelty font only being used for the user name at the top, Level N and rank names around the bars and titles of sections like Commanders, Last Battles, Statistics, etc.
+0 / -0
At the risk of being annoying, am I the only one who believes that the blue white badge in chobby looks too much like blue ?
+3 / -0

7 years ago
The rank background images seem to be quite large. For instance, the neutron image is 2769x1280 pixels (1.5MB). I need a faster internet connection :P
+0 / -0
Clear cache was needed for me to see new progress bar. Looking good.

Can anybody become the space lobster?
+1 / -0
I forgot to compress those images before committing, they'll be smaller for the next version.

For the chobby icons: I originally made two icon sets, one being shiny with varying luminance and shading and one being more held-back with consistent luminance to fit into a more modest design without popping out. Chobby uses the "constant" luminance set.

If you were to now make one of the colors more white, it'd be brighter than the others and stand out from the bunch. The light blue is already a lot brighter than the deep blue and I'd rather not make it any worse. There's always the option to just use the same color set for both lobby and site.

RUrankAdminikinz No image frame pretty much leads to everything falling apart, considering how some clan logos are looking.. Unitpics don't work either without a frame.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I really like the changes. Thank you!
+0 / -0
Think this is a very good improvement, but I find some confusing things:
- not all images have on hover info (ex: the player icon could have an explanation like "your icon randomly assigned", the star could have an explanation like "your rank representation", the rank icon by the player name could have a similar explanation as the level icon)
- why is the level icon shown so big and the rank is shown by the name and on the progress bar?
- the on hover for the level icon seems strange ("this is a graphical representation of your level, play more to gain more rank"). Shouldn't it be "gain more level"?
- I have a different icon shown on the level icon (right of star) than by name. Is that to be expected? (edit: with image http://imagebucket.net/vkk1uc9vwruk/Untitled.png)
- would be nice to have some link to easily access an explanation of ranks/levels/etc (like this thread)
+0 / -0

7 years ago
  • not all images have on hover info (ex: the player icon could have an explanation like "your icon randomly assigned", the star could have an explanation like "your rank representation", the rank icon by the player name could have a similar explanation as the level icon)
Good idea!

  • why is the level icon shown so big and the rank is shown by the name and on the progress bar?
The rank is shown by the huge star in the background, isn't that big enough?

  • the on hover for the level icon seems strange ("this is a graphical representation of your level, play more to gain more rank"). Shouldn't it be "gain more level"?
This is already fixed for the next release.

  • I have a different icon shown on the level icon (right of star) than by name. Is that to be expected?
There's not enough space next to your name for an accurate level depiction :|

  • would be nice to have some link to easily access an explanation of ranks/levels/etc (like this thread)
Go ahead!
+0 / -0
Here's a draft:


but I have trouble with the formatting.

Moreover, newbs might get confused by an array of similar terms, in my draft and in the user page: ranks, level, XP, skills... I did my best to try and distinguish things.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Looking back, ranks are awesome. Yet I have impression that Nebula should mean "didn't play long enough to determine/was away for a long time and it's uncertain" than the lowest rank. It's sad to see high level players with grey rank is all :(
+0 / -0