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Playing a casual game of zk

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I just spent a few days on a holiday and wanted to play some games during the evening after an exhausting day. I'm not really sure where our current system allows me to play those casual games. I was on a hotel wifi connection, playing on my laptop with the trackpad and trying to relax. There was no way I could be expected to play anywhere near my 2200+ Elo in a teamgame.

Effectively the only way to play, was to ignore the fact that I make my team lose every game and have fun anyway. Is this really what the casual game mode should be like? Do you have any ideas how this could be improved?
+2 / -0
7 years ago
At the moment there are many low elo players in the bigger teamrooms.

The only possiblity i can see was if the elo difference between top and low skilled players would be less.

Or, force them to become skilled. Which means. under 1800 elo no strider fac, commorph lvl 5 as max.
I would love to see that.

(Yes you can hate me now)
+1 / -0
7 years ago
Create a custom room and disable autobalance?
+4 / -1
LUrankAdminAnir, I would love to hear your plan to make me 1800 elo, because I have lost games while not using striders or commoprhing more than level 5. I don't think I used Striders outside of an AI skirmish because I never have enough metal and build power for it being a good move in my opinion.

Dump your plan where ever you want and link me to it, because I don't want to commit to the plan before I know what it is. I was doing a marketing class for 8 hours today and I still need to finish my CNC router. I also need to write out documents for itch.io and update tvtropes to match the current version of the game. There are references to the Jugglenaut there and I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a Sumo.


EDIT: You are talking about causal elo rank. Why should anyone care about their casual rank?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
A low tech solution to your problem is to create a DeinFreundCasual account where you play casually.
+4 / -1
7 years ago
Oflameo, why not care about elo?
I know that there are some people who do care.

Even in casual games you need skill to reach a certain amount...

Oflameo, you might be an exception, but for most 1000-1400 elo players commorph and striders are the only known tactics.
Join us on mumble if you want, we can give you some advices, maybe help you out. Also in general the elo of every member that joins us incresases around 150Elo. (Mumble Power ist just OP :D)
+0 / -0
7 years ago
I remember whining about this long ago, you are expected to play at your level because otherwise you are griefing/trolling, and you are not allowed to use a smurf account because AFAIK that's a bannable offense
+1 / -0

7 years ago
I have no problem with ppl making an additional account to play unranked games or are too intoxicated to care about the outcom of a game. As long as you stay friendly and don't screw up balance completely.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
But thats the problem.

Most smurfs screw up the balance. Or dont change back when they play with full skill...
+0 / -0

7 years ago
ask RUrankFirepluk he always plays between 1400 and 2200 and noone cares.
+7 / -0

7 years ago
Ban he!
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Effectively the only way to play, was to ignore the fact that I make my team lose every game and have fun anyway. Is this really what the casual game mode should be like?

No and even in Dota 2 casual games isn't for such playing!

Do you have any ideas how this could be improved?

Yes - make your own room and play together with similar players!
+2 / -0

7 years ago
Effectively to solve this issue let DErankChesti be admin again and everything will shine :-)
+4 / -2
7 years ago
+4 / -0

7 years ago
Circuit AI: Brutal
+0 / -0
7 years ago
This is so like what I want, I don't want to always do some challenging thing like 4 human vs 10 brutal or playing in team game full of stars player.

Only I want is to enjoy a game, that's it.
So I'm probably not always interest to join a team game when people always expect you to play the skills you should provide.

I see the gaming more like relaxing than sport, but I found people here see it as sport.
+0 / -0
I always had this problem just smurf or do the RUrankFirepluk method which is play retarded and stop caring about winning. That is the only way to have fun when the game is stacked against you.

You just said you were using wifi on holiday, that makes smurfing a bit easier actually.
+1 / -0
Fireplukery is contagious :D
Even when I come in the mood to play seriously I usually lose this serious mood over a couple of zk games - after someone goes bertha/singu/roach ramp rush or morphs pointless trollcom not even bothering to cap any mex...

Some kind of separation COULD be useful(Serious games || Casual games)
But this brings the question about moderation and this is where it becomes a shitty idea
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Ideally matchmaking games should be serious, and custom games should be.. custom: with some flags to indicate what it is.
Problem is MM needs a larger playerbase =)
+3 / -0
you could still ask why you play a genuinely competitive game to "just" have fun....
Because this is how I percieve Zero-K.
+0 / -0
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