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9 Games 6 won 3 lost

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Hello there and nice to see this community again. It's been like 7-8 months since my last game here. A thing that I notices was my elo. It went from 2150 to 1740. I had 9 games and 3 of them I lost but my elo skyrocketed extremely.
Now I have like 1911 casual elo from 1740 and that's 171 elo. If i try to calculate a bit from the 6 games won and 3 games lost it lets me with just 3 games that could have boosted my elo. Usually when I was playing in the old days I was gaining like at the most 15 elo. What happened ? Why did I gain so much elo ?
+1 / -0
7 years ago
I think how it works is that the decayed part of your elo hasn't actually been permanently lost, it's just been held in storage. So by playing games you're unlocking the elo lost to decay.
+1 / -0
7 years ago
I hope it won't skyrocket me above 2150 like it did in these 9 games. In case of that i'l reach Godde's elo
+0 / -0
It's because we're still using oldschool Elo, just with some weird decay addition. In short, if you don't play for some time you lose elo, but it is quickly restored when you start playing again. This is so you come back and are forced to play the game regularly if you want to remain high on ladders. (Not up to me whether this is morally acceptable..)

But there is a savior on the horizon, WHR has been implemented on the test server and is awaiting deployment (eventually). Due to requirement to behave like Elo, it will also lower when you are away, but once you come back it'll try to reevaluate your skills instead of simply returning your old Elo.

Come and join my religion.

Also go throw some 1v1s, it makes team games playable
+7 / -0