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7 years ago
What the hell is with you people and lobsters?

Where did it come from? Why does Firepluk say "lob" every two words? Why lobsters?
+6 / -1
+2 / -0

7 years ago
lob lob
+7 / -0
7 years ago
If I had to take a guess at the etymology, it's a dysphemism deriving from the newbie/noob family:

new players -> newbies -> noobs -> nubs -> wubalubadubdub! -> lubs -> (lubbers?) -> lobs -> lobsters.

where the meaning has remained fairly consistent throughout, your mileage may vary.

+3 / -0
At first there was noob/newb
which was shortened to nub/nab/neb
throughout the years out of boredom were born various variations such as nabbernaut

One day someone was talking about wub/wub wub on #zk, preliminary related to warrior sounds, but this found another use case :D
Next day we see "wub wubs, wub dubs"

Some day long ago we were trash talking with SKrankSvatopluk, something like
Firepluk: neb
Svatopluk: knob
Firepluk: wtf is knob?
Svatopluk: like a door knob, u know...
Firepluk: knobster!
Svatopluk: lobster
Firepluk: :O

So I believe this was SKrankSvatopluk who first used lobster in zk context... and then it gone viral though @_Shaman was strongly opposing this

And now we have all possible shortenings and permutations of lobster in use such as lob, lub...

And also let's not forget the famous Pinchy :P

Now go and listen to this song and match it to zk clusterfuck 14 vs 14 context

Keep calm and wait for the next ZK Lobster Party :D Clusterfuck is coming!
+15 / -0

all wub things come to an end
but the memory of wubrior will be eternal

It was the end of an era, the dawn of the age of lob.
+9 / -0

7 years ago
Somehow sad that DErankDavid1995 got ban for his malicious things. However seems its not infinite at least. :/
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Some day long ago we were trash talking with SKrankSvatopluk, something like
Firepluk: neb
Svatopluk: knob
Firepluk: wtf is knob?
Svatopluk: like a door knob, u know...
Firepluk: knobster!
Svatopluk: lobster
Firepluk: :O

So I believe this was SKrankSvatopluk who first used lobster in zk context... and then it gone viral though USrank_Shaman was strongly opposing this

Now we know the true history who was hidden from us.
+0 / -0
You are wrong GGrankCovertMagic .

The term lobster comes from a russian рак which roughly translates into lobster in english. At the time admins (specifically DErankKlon) were prohibiting calling other players "noobs" hence why a lot of abbreviantions have been made by your usual ZK team players (neb, nab etc) and sfire/ RUrankFirepluk specifically started using a term "lobster" which caught on with the others (see his earlier post in this thread). In russian internet speech apparently рак also means noob which might be why it came to Firepluks' mind at the time.

The other phrase of "wubwubwub" came from a duo of smurfs from one 2v2 tournament which just spammed in chat wubwubwub and was also coined because of a legendary wubrior who singlehandedly destroyed a whole base and won one of the games of that tournament. It was quickly picked on by sfire/ RUrankFirepluk and so it became very popular for a year or so.

Aaaand pluk just cames from SKrankSvatopluk and people trying to impersonate them basically but it also happened at the time there was a server switch and the new protocol doesn't allow renames anymore so pluks are stuck with their names forever (unless ability to rename will be enabled again).
+8 / -0
7 years ago
^^^ this is all just crazy enough to be completely true (it is).
+0 / -0
7 years ago
I can confirm it's all true. Lobbawubwub!

+0 / -1

7 years ago
Real lobsters live on the very bottom of the ocean.
ZK lobsters live in the very bottom of the social ladder.
+1 / -1
7 years ago
I just remebered when there was a whole huge clan od [TROLL]s... Lel
+1 / -0

7 years ago
I thought it came from wrecks field looking like a plancha of grilled lobsters
+0 / -0
A rejected amphib constructor: http://units.tauniverse.com/?p=u&v=2337
+0 / -0

7 years ago
An amphibious unit that actually looks amphibious. :0
+0 / -1

7 years ago
I'm not joking about the rejected part.

I found a minor flaw:
I think the origins of the Nano-Barrels are wrong for the Core Pinchy. When they are extended they float in the air...
I can't recall why it was rejected. I suspect that Pinchy was lost as CA transitioned to ZK. We didn't have enough units to have an amphib factory from the start of ZK and when Beherith released the models that we use for amph they came with a constructor.
+2 / -0

7 years ago
I want Pinchy. NOW!
+4 / -0

7 years ago
Order complete!
+1 / -0
This Pinchy thing would be an awesome replacement for Conch. Its model just needs to be refreshed. And renamed to Lobsterbot ofc.
+1 / -0
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