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Level locked game rooms.

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Elo takes a long time to converge. I would like to see pro only rooms where you have to be level 10 and above. Right now half the games you end up playing with people who are unreliable. Which is simple no fun. Its becomes an exercise in converging the unconvergable random newbie's who only play a few games.

PW does not have this problem because you will be put with your faction/ clan.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
"PW doesn't have balance problems because the balance is intentionally broken"
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13 years ago
With enough people, juggler splits rooms by elo.
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13 years ago
It is not elo it is that new players simple do not know what they are going. They do not even know the game rules or units.

1350 elo with 3 games vs 1350 elo with 300 games is a massive difference
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Nah Jasper. When after 300 games people have 1350 elo it means they DO SUCK (eg. not understand English/basic game rules/plays against team). When a nub has 1350 elo they often play better than the 300 games player, especially when you give them one or two hints.

I'd like to see min elo rooms, not min lvl ones. But I'm expecting a future matchmaking system to solve this issue anyway.
+0 / -0
I dont agree Skasi alot of 1350 elo long time players know how to expand behind you if you lead the way.

I know that is not your playing style but its very true.

Also long time players will not crumble when they see some unit they have never seen before. I use the 1350 players as my econ base almost every game.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It should neither be elo locked nor total gamecount locked, but a bit of both.

If someone with more than 100 games ( both speced and (if >30%) played ) only have around 1350 elo, he should read the manual or learn how to speak english.

Why should we not make language hosts instead? The most dominant language can play.
+0 / -0
We don't even have enough players to divide up games into three leagues (Bronze, Silver, Gold leagues, like StarCraft) and now you want to make language-based rooms?

+0 / -0
13 years ago
2 leagues?
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13 years ago
We need to fix juggler and re-impliment it, or at least use the !split functionality more often. Splitting games by elo is simply the most sensible way to do things, as it can adjust to whatever the skill differences are between the players.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Does not work until SL supports it..
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Play 1v1 games instead. :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
after some time 20 ppls hanging around in TEAM hosts, but nobody plays 1v1 agaisnt the same others again and aigain.

if there are even > 15% noobs (or at least FFA-noobs) in FFA, the chances are set most likely right from beginning.
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