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How can I see the elo of other players?

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8 years ago
Hello Zero-K community,

I would like to ask how I can see the elo of other players during a game. Maybe it's a dumb question, but I can't find the option.

I need to know it to tell whether a player's skill is sufficient to be the only air player of a team or if I should play air myself, and to know at which flank more players are needed.

In earlier times I could see it in the player list. But now I can only see icons and try to distinguish between different kinds of orange and can tell nothing about players who don't use matchmaking.

Thanks for your help.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
You can only see your competetive (MM) elo.
+0 / -0
Team/casual balance is no longer solely based on your results in those games. Matchmaking has a big influence on it. The team Elo was made invisible due to not being a reliable representation of skill. The rank icon is based on matchmaking only and is thus meaningless for players who don't use it. (But for people using matchmaking, it is a better indication of team skill than what we used to call team Elo)

I would not recommend judging somebody as critical as your air player by a simple rating. For example when you see a great air player in the enemy team and you know that one of your 1200 Elo teammates is bad at most things but knows how to use swifts effectively, I'd place him in that role. His only task will be taking the enemy air down, making it hard for them to get any bombers into play. This'll grant you a decisive advantage on the ground, where they are down one good player. I wouldn't want somebody I don't know to play air, even if he has a good Elo.

The icons are also supposed to show the smoothness and inaccuracy of Elo. When you can't see the difference between the colors there's not much of a difference in skill beyond random variation. You can still see who's "better" because the player lists are sorted by Elo. If you're trying to optimize your team games, you should know your teammates playstyle or let them decide for themselves. Elo wouldn't tell you much more than you can see on the icons. Default example: Firepluk has 2000 Elo, but when he places an air fac you'll still need an air player.
+1 / -0
let's say my performance depends on intention and mood(like everyone else I bet)
I may plox air fac just to get a cheaper scout for my nux :D

But I don't get it why we cant show 1v1 player elo on his page
Typical lob lob develob?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
That's a bug! 1v1 elo was meant to be fully visible.
+0 / -0
There are more people that would like to see that ELO (for example me) but there are other that do not think it is beneficial.
I would not recommend judging somebody as critical as your air player by a simple rating

In the ~30 seconds before a match (either team matchmaker or casual team) it is very hard to get to know everybody, or to judge based on something else...
The rank icon is based on matchmaking only

If by "rank icon" you mean "rank icon shape", this does not make sense to me. Reasons:
- http://zero-k.info/Ladders (icon types seem "mixed" there is no ordering based on the position)
- http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=FAQ#How_can_I_reach_a_new_rank.3F_How_are_they_split.3F (this suggests is based on time played - this is also what I knew from other posts..)

As far as I understand the color gives a "elo range". Best players have color blue, followed by silver, gold, and the shades of red, the darker the worse. Think grey is the worst. (edit: if you want to see exactly the icon, use image properties and check the image name. The second number is the "elo range". For example SentinelPrime is 2_2 (second 2 is the elo), Licho is 7_4 (4 is the elo range, corresponding to gold))

Please clarify if you have a better source/clearer explanation, this would be appreciated...
+0 / -0
http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/22928 for all the endless community discussion about design of these icons. Shape is level, color is Elo. The average frequency of light emitted by the icon is directly correlated with Elo.

Of course you don't get to know your teammates in the pregame. You need to already know them, which is not really hard looking at the size of this community. Otherwise get some clan mates to play with.
+1 / -0

I need to know it to tell whether a player's skill is sufficient to be the only air player of a team or if I should play air myself, and to know at which flank more players are needed

Don't run the risk.

Ask yourself:

Can I really cover this guy while he builds air? Without cover, air is useless
Is our team going to defend him froma rush?
Will he actually help? Plane&GS are made to support.
Does he/she change facs? What happens if large amounts of AA come out?
How useful is this? Can a ground fac be better?
Are they truly commited? Will they support your team even if it looks bleak?
Do you know how to use air? Why not test it out yourself, fac swap or something.
Are you better off on the ground? Sometimes people just don't want air.
Will this cover our factory weaknesses? If so, how will you deal with them?
What if you lose all your air? Do you know how to recover?

In short:
ELo tells jackshit about someone unless they play teams MM, a high-elo player will do 1v1, and the skills we has there will affect his game, but often they rely just on themselves and endup losing game as a result, since he may be great, but a shitteam of 2 disorganized goddes will do nothing against an organised, and competent team.

+2 / -0

8 years ago
Oh wait, I see 1v1 elo
Must have missed it as was typing and looking for it from small phone screen
+0 / -0
8 years ago
If you don't play MM, your color will always be gray >_> :C
+1 / -0

8 years ago
If you don't play MM, your life will also be grey.
+7 / -0

8 years ago
If you don't play MM, your life will also be grey.

Maybe I'm dumb but I don't get the joke.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Sometimes there is no joke.
And sometimes your face is a joke.
+2 / -0