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Is matchmaking even possible on the Spring server?

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Not much post content, but the question remains. I would prefer not to get the runaround that I would get on the spring forums. Is it even feasible on the spring server without changes to uberserver?
+0 / -0
One of the old matchmaking concepts was a room to which everybody would go. Then a bot there would redistribute people into other rooms.

After it was implemented it was ruled out and the current system has been adapted after awhile. Not sure what was the reason for that decision though.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Should be done with changes, if I can get myself to finish that fork I have going :P
+0 / -0

8 years ago
No, it's not possible. I think much of the history of ZKLS and Uberserver is about matchmaking not being possible without server changes. The battleroom system does not work for matchmaking. You need a way to tell clients to connect to a battle without any hackyness involving rooms. You need to make sure that every lobby implements this protocol otherwise you'll have a mess. You need a way to ensure that clients have all the required maps and games for matchmaking.

You can probably hack something together for lobbies that respond to being forcejoined to rooms. However I expect it to be a lot of work, bug prone and not streamlined enough for something releasable.
+1 / -1
yes, matchmaking is possible on the spring server.
It even had been done in the past, howerver in a bit crude way. (which did not stop develober and dreamers hailing it)
The hack/trick with rooms is not nessecary anymore as one can read in the documentation. The docu even has a whole section about matchmaking. https://springrts.com/wiki/Lobby_Development#Documentation

The problem is missing coordination of develobment of the multiple lobby clients. A problem that zero-K thought solved, but actually they somehow also ended up with multiple clients. What a surprise!
+0 / -0
And as a result, ZK now has a lobby that is actually presentable to present day players!
+2 / -0
8 years ago
the same was said about the previous lobbies.
+0 / -1

8 years ago
No it wasn't. At least not by most people.
+5 / -0
8 years ago
loled at your edited text. yes, better remove it because it was so silly.

"ZK betrayed Spring community, so it's dying"
Did it ever cross your mind that, if lack of (cooperating) developers is a problem while player numbers of the entire community are dwindling, the solution is not "maintain status quo"?
Yes, ZK betrayed spring, not only with the server split but already with other things before.
As result: spring, zeroK, evolutionrts - all three are now dead.
Had "status quo" been maintained we would still have a server with 300+ players online and multiple games going at once.
But as result of greed and naive dumbness, we do not have that anymore. gg.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
No it wasn't. At least not by most people.
Yea, just by the peoplers who almost released it on steam.
+0 / -0
And why would that matter to you? Ever since the lobby split, you've been doing nothing but trying to demoralize people. Seeing as you're actively damaging the community, you clearly don't care for any of it any more. I don't even want to imagine the kind of sociopathic state of mind you need to be in to sabotage the work of people who keep investing their time and effort into this project for absolutely no other gain than satisfying your inner cynic.

Like, what do you even think would have happened in your preferred scenario? The "united" Spring + ZK community would have magically bred tons of new players (and developers) to fix all the longstanding issues you get so much satisfaction out of pointing out? The steam release would've happened sooner? All 300+ of those players would have kept playing the same old games with about 0 new content in 4 years? I don't get it.

The previous text was edited out because I took too long to write it and the conversation had moved on.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
RUrank12345 where do you get your special insight about such matters? Who, exactly, almost released ZK on steam and when?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I find AUrankAdminGoogleFrog very pragmatic. Had uberserver been better* than ZK, I'm sure it would be considered. However at this point it's definitely a worse choice, at least for ZK, so this discussion isn't going to get you anywhere.

better* in terms of performance, features, moderator controls and customizability
+0 / -0
GBrankTheEloIsALie :
You have the history completly backwards.
First there was spring and within that system zero-K was formed, on the base of an already existing game.
"Base" not just in form of the technical files, but also "base" as in an the existing community.
Then zero-K slowly tried to pull in more players - but not from outside, mostly from within spring and often by dickmoves.

So the question is really what kind of sociopathic state of mind you need to be in to sabotage the work of people who invested their time and effort to allow your project to be born in the first place, for absolutely no gain but some bragging rights on forums and social media that you have put a game on steam. (but not even released yet)

> All 300+ of those players would have kept playing the same old games with about 0 new content in 4 years? I don't get it.
Nice strawman. It is that system of 300+ players where zero-K (and other games) were born!
Would you invest effort to create new content in this locked community with its 20 players? Surely not!
The original spring community did not twindle until greedy develobers ripped it apart. Clearly those develobers did not care about anything except wanting the biggest part of cake for himself! For some people cooexistance was appearently impossible because they only wanted THEIR game to have all the spotlight and players.
As result, now no game has any players.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog There have been so many posts where develobers wrote "we could release with current lobby" or named "weeks" and "months" to release.
When I look how many untested releases of eg zeroK-lobby were done, (with appearently nobody really aware it would happen), it seems quite possible that suddendly one night 1 or 2 devs decide to click the steam-button.
Or was it really your plan to wait three years with steam release? So far zero-K is only 'almost' released, but not quite yet.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
> all the longstanding issues you get so much satisfaction out of pointing out

You know why it gives so much satisfaction to point them out?
Because it are the excact things that develobers always hailed. But it was all just hot air.
+0 / -0
Nice strawman. It is that system of 300+ players where zero-K (and other games) were born!

Because "trying to get new players for a game" and "prevent a game on a 10 year old engine from dying out" is apparently "greedy developer hands trying to steal cake". Again, how did the future look like in your eyes? So far you're the one with a strawman for completely ignoring the question at hand.

Because it are the excact things that develobers always hailed

Yeah, who doesn't remember the developers hailing accurate map star ratings?

Would you invest effort to create new content in this locked community with its 20 players?

We've had several maps, plenty of widgets and gadgets and multiple AIs created since then. Evidently, the answer is "yes".
+0 / -0
8 years ago
> "prevent a game on a 10 year old engine from dying out"
Firstly there was not 'a' game. As said: There have always been many different games on spring.
Second, how did zeroK change the age of the engine? Engine is and has always been in continious development so one can not really date it like that.
Third, where did you the idea that anything needed to be saved from dying out?

What is your question, this: "And why would that matter to you?" ?
Because I once made spring content (game,maps,docu,forum posts) but thanks to the thoughtless actions of others it all became meaningless. I also once played spring games, but thanks to the thoughtless actions of others I can not play half the games anymore at all, and the other games have so few players and low match quality that it is no more fun. Thanks obamas.

> Yeah, who doesn't remember the developers hailing accurate map star ratings?
Develobers were hailing everything: website, forum, game, missions, lobby, whole infrastructure,..
And yes technically those things exist. Technically.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Again, how did the future look like in your eyes?
I was quite happy with the PRESENT. 300+ players, many players, many develobs, new games got made etc. There was no need for drastic change to the system.
+0 / -1
Firstly there was not 'a' game. As said: There have always been many different games on spring.

But that's not the reality of what you draw in new players with. They don't come to check out your cool engine with all its quirky mods. They come to play a game. That's what ZK has been trying to (and arguably has) become.

Third, where did you the idea that anything needed to be saved from dying out?
You know, that's simple reality. Tell me one thing that doesn't need to be saved from dying out.
I was quite happy with the PRESENT
Ah, so you'd also be vehemently opposed to saving money for later in life, or any kind of insurance for that matter. Because clearly the present is great, so why would you care about the future.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
But that's not the reality of what you draw in new players with. They don't come to check out your cool engine with all its quirky mods. They come to play a game. That's what ZK has been trying to (and arguably has) become.
Well, that is the age-old spring question: Should there be a plattform for many games, or only one game?
Had we discussed this some years ago then the facit would have been: 'We do not know what will be better.'
But now we can compare both systems and the original one was better, more players, more develobs, less lobsterish community etc.
So appearently players did indeed like to to check out the cool engine with all its quirky mods.
Ah, 'quirky mods' is such a dumb misleading term again too! Why do steamdreamers always imply that the existance of many games mean they have to be 'quirky'? Such bullshit fake arguement!

Ah, so you'd also be vehemently opposed to saving money for later in life, or any kind of insurance for that matter. Because clearly the present is great, so why would you care about the future.
I prefer a steady income over losing all my moneys at gambling. And my families money too. And my friends money too. And then die alone in puddle of vomit as evolutionrts and zeroK did.
+0 / -0
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