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[Off Topic] TA ESC $1k Tournament Finals.

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Hey guys,

Hope I'm not over-stepping any boundaries by posting this here, but I guess some of you will be interested in anything TA related, and to that end I'm posting to let you know that tomorrow (Saturday 11th) the finals of the TA ESC mod $1k tournament will be taking place at 15:00 UTC if you'd like to watch.

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/fn202
Brackets: http://challonge.com/_EPT2 (not fully updated, will be me vs Ramp)

For anyone wanting background/backstory -

Players: Ramp will be the favourite to take it, he has the experience with the mod, good macro and micro. I've been playing the mod for a few months (about 150 1v1s) but hoping I can cause an upset with some good favourable map choices and a bit of luck on his maps.

Mod: TA ESC is a mod on the original TA engine (not Spring), quite similar to OTA at lower tech levels with balance tweaks to try make all units viable, with new units/bigger changes from OTA at tech 2/3/4. MT's are AA only. Com dies game ends.

Hopefully these basics may make it a bit more watchable for ZK players. Prize is winner takes all so the loser of this final gets nothing (harsh imo)!

+8 / -0
Not sure what you do think is wrong about posting a notice of a TA tournament. It was done once in the past by the guy who was promoting TA:Zero on the forums.

Also you might want to make a simmilar post on the springrts forums. I'm quite confident that there will be more people interested in watching the tournament.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
For everybody interested: Two hours left.
+1 / -0
I'm up for watching some TA. The mod looks fun.

Stream has started :D

Good game so far!
+0 / -0
Is there a youtube version of this? I found some games in "recent streams" but it's not as well organized.

I can see what someone (maybe you?) said about mircoable fighters. Spring fighters are hard to set up such that players have much control beyond setting a target and choosing when to retreat. Perhaps we should work on that in ZK. What makes TA ESC attractive as a mod? The game looked quite slow to me.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
who won? looks like they got bored before updating final bracket

also 1k to play TA seems nice, but TA was my favorite game 14 years ago I find it hard to take it seriously now, the fact that people are still playing it goes to show they havent released a good RTS is way too long
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Rampage won.

The tournament ended very abruptly and I almost fell asleep listening to these boring casters. I'm sort of glad that I didn't manage to catch the whole stream becuse I had other things to do.

The vods are here if you want to watch: https://www.twitch.tv/fn202/videos/all
Look for the ones from 11th of February.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
was there a 2nd place prize or was randy a total loser here?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
was there a 2nd place prize or was randy a total loser here?

Prize is winner takes all so the loser of this final gets nothing (harsh imo)!

+0 / -0

8 years ago
GF: The VODs should be on Orf's link, I have some youtube First Person's of my earlier rounds at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJDDnlH_-fvMnNJfA8hsoA . OTA is hardly played at all anymore and all the old players of that moved over to ESC. I've been playing some ESC mostly for the nostalgia but I enjoy ZK, ESC and OTA. All provide something different but all good games in their own right.

Ramp won 3-1, and yup I ended with $0 :P was good fun to play again though. First game was probably the best game, quite close and I probably should have won but my lack of late game ESC knowledge shone through. Games 2 and 3 were one sided with one going each way. Game 4 I fell behind early and tried for a com kill strategy which nearly worked, and may have had if I had better micro.

The stream was quite low production value, but I think that's due to the very small community. The casters were just two players who volunteered to do it so there would be something for people to watch/listen to.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Game 1 was great. The rest was quite boring to watch though. Still gratz for placing second although there were quite a bunch of free wins going on.
+0 / -0