Hi, i am website backend developer and former coder. Although i am not a UI designer, nor graphic artist, i dare to say that i caught something when working in that environment. Although i LOVE 0K, i can't help myself to notice, that the website design does not have a professional look, and newcomers could be easily repulsed from the whole game by it. So, i have made static homepage concept, which tries to follow modern trends like responsivity and simplicity and i am ready to cooperate to polish and further develop the concept. For now, it only contains homepage for unlogged user, i did not try to make the website completely different, but tried to make it all look better together. [Spoiler]If you wanna comment, logout to compare old and new website. Here is the sample:http://zero-k-homapage-unlogged.bitballoon.com/And there is the current source code: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v8t2fqtaxzvq7cn/AADxnHnjLeYJ2vfswHcEZKuVa?dl=0I am using
Foundation framework (which offers much more than basic bootstrap)
ES6 ready enviroment
Icon font generated from SVG icon folder
etc. If wished, i know a bit of React and Vue, but i don't think it is the right use-case for this kind of website.
+8 / -0
make the width 100%. it looks like a pillar -.-
+1 / -0
Hello, I'm actually from the website design area so I could probably work with you on refining that design. As @mojj said the centerpiece does look like a pillar, probably needs expanding. I'm just mainly concerned that all the old features like commander design and rank (stuff that ties in with the server) would migrate to the new platform.
+1 / -3
I love the more modern style without all that cheesy shading of the current design. Menu, item placement and scale may still need some work though, but even just a new style sheet for the current site would already do a lot. Edit: Responsive is the last thing I'd call it right now :| Screenshots: [Spoiler]1440p screen: It's even thinner than zk site:  (Oh actually it isn't, that's just the sleek design.. Anyway, pls make it use more than 50% of the screen space) 1080p phone:   Can't see anything, forums is pushed 10 miles to the bottom of screen. "Looking forward" to try it on a wide screen (3440x1440).
+0 / -0
Obligatory mspaint
+8 / -0
but where is the report firepluk button?
+2 / -0
seem like you just need to adjust for screen size the green get now thing at the top doesn't look very nice though, could be fixed easily I think with our current download icon. The Zero-k name logo at top look a bit small at my resolution [1920x1080]. the Menu [play, media, etc] is a bit subdued a black and blue background would make them look better. There is a subreddit that dedicated in feedback for game website, I couldn't remember the link, you may want to post there.
+0 / -0
 Parzival I wouldnt worry about rewriting server part, i were only tweaking frontend, .NET is a MVC framework and V (as View) should be quite easily interchangable.    DeinFreund You have got some nice points!
Max width of the page can be easily changed by SCSS parametr, but it looks just fine on my monitor, dont you have zoomed it out?
Menu could use a little tweaking, but i think it is the right position for it
Logo could be bigger, but i am not sure if it looked good
Download now should be probably elsewhere and look different, but not sure if it only as common button
Deffinitely too much spacing on forum list
Right about footer, i did not give too much love to it
Font size can be easily changed, there is one file with main SCSS settings for foundation framwork, should i enlarge it?
Not a fan of the curent icon, but yeah, mine doesnt look good either, i took it from my stash
OK, ill do the logo bigger
You think that menu should be same color as menu link hover? Not so sure, i think it would lost contrast.
I was thinking on github branch, where people could cooperate, anyone would be up to it?
+0 / -0
Eh I basically don't have anything worthwhile to add after what    DeinFreund pointed out. However (and I don't want to sound malicious or anything) you say you are a backend website developer and yet you are doing the frontend of the website? I mean I bet that you are still more qualified to do it than any of us here. But I just kind of don't understand the motives of working on the polar opposite of what you do profesionally. I'm just confused that's all.
+0 / -0
uhm after reviewing online source font size [and lay out size for that matter] maybe best left alone. what I mean is something along these line: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3130054/strategies-for-handling-multiple-screen-resolutions-and-aspect-ratios-in-web-devhttps://99designs.com.au/blog/tips/responsive-web-design-key-tips-and-approaches/As for cooperation on Github , you should ask @KingRaptor and    Licho . I am certainly unqualified to help. I couldn't find the reddit to help with game website any more The actual implementation of Menu is subjective. I find the current menu of Zero-k.info adequate but that just me. From this page, it seem that it fit most screen size except for phone http://material.io/resizer/#url=http%3A%2F%2Fzero-k-homapage-unlogged.bitballoon.com%2F
+0 / -0
I love how the units are featured in your new website! It's much better like that!
+1 / -0
I have one point to kick in: Lol cnet :D [Spoiler]quote: From Zero-K Development Team |
quote: What's new in version ** |
(5 years ago?) quote: You can even control your units directly in First Person Mode |
quote: minimize slippery slope |
quote: Random knorke/sheep/heretic post |
+2 / -0
Would anyone be willing to help me with local .NET server on Visual Studio? I can implement the new design, but only if someone would be willing to help me with the .NET monster. I am stuck on some compilation error. No point of trying to solve it here, if someone is willing, please mail me on forstjiri@gmail.com.
+0 / -0
Seriously, i cant implement anything, until someone gives me a hand with first .NET local server setup.
+0 / -0
I am sympathetic but I am even more clueless than you in this respect, I shall petition    Licho and @KingRaptor for all the good it does. Please oh please don't give up.
+0 / -0
Hi, Looks nice. The tabs have no background color, so they are hard to see against the yellowish robot (white on yellow). Maybe add a box with some background color for them too, or use a dark outline / highlight color.
+0 / -0