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Builder Reclaim bug?

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8 years ago
Ok so I have noticed something really annoying lately.
I will tell my builders to AOE reclaim metal, and they will randomly stop reclaiming and move back to original position...

I have noticed it multiple times in vs AI games, and a few times in team games as well.

When a group is ordered to AOE reclaim, sometimes only some of them will get the "cancel reclaim" bug, while others keep reclaiming.

At first I thought i was just screwing up commands, but i found some of them would be reclaiming, while i had other units selected, and i would watch them, only to see them do it again.

Anyone else having this issue?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I've had this issue too. I think it's one of the various auto behaviour widgets over-riding your orders. I think I fixed it but couldn't tell you which widget was responsible.

There's also a LOS issue where if you can't see the wreckage, the worker will forget you've ordered them to reclaim. I don't know if that's intentional or not - I assume that you should be able to 'remember' wreckage in the FoW so that your workers don't necessarily have to search for it each time.
+1 / -0
I've had this issue too. I think it's one of the various auto behaviour widgets over-riding your orders. I think I fixed it but couldn't tell you which widget was responsible.

The only widget I know of that does that is auto reclaim-repair-assist, which spams fight orders at idle constructors. Global Build Command -might- do something like that, but I think you'd notice the obvious GBC icons floating over your units. GBC is also not something you're likely to enable on accident and it's not enabled by default.

There's also a LOS issue where if you can't see the wreckage, the worker will forget you've ordered them to reclaim.

This is a general issue with area reclaim. Global Build Command and all of the native AIs have to work around it by adding a move order before the area reclaim command, which sort of mostly works.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I thought the LOS could be responsible, but i found i had the same issue when i had full LOS of the area. Such as a 3 funnelwebs holding down the area (so full LOS) and builders keep failing to reclaim.
Perhaps it is a (auto-repair-widget) responsible.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Incidentally the reclaim command should be assigned to the R key by default. I use area reclaim far more often than area repair.
+0 / -0
Oh yeah, i should have posted.
I got the problem fixed by disabling the auto repair for workers to repair damaged units.
They would literally drop everything to repair something, and then forget what they were doing before they went to repair.

also, e for reclaim is fine, and r for repair is fine, im pretty sure you can change the hotkey in your settings.

The keys are next to each other so its not a huge stretch of your hand for it.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I'm pretty sure the culprit was actually double-click-fight in your case, but technically it could have been either one.
+0 / -0