Simple: Write unit you think sucks, and why. Write unit you like, and why. Sucks: Dart. Weak, bad scout, can't be invisible, scorcher does more damage. Great: Redback. Deals with Spider's inaccuracies in Hermit&Recluse.
+1 / -0
Thugs because nothing eats defender shots better than them. Worst unit? Probably skuttle. It randomly decloaks all the time and is painfully slow.
+1 / -0
 "Large scale terraforming tool" that loses against terraform, sucks at making terraform and doesn't have a riot sidearm. Oh and did I mention the price tag?  op.
+2 / -0
Wow Leviathan is so bad that I forgot that it even exists.
+0 / -0
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Phoenix is fairly bad because its area of effect is too small and perhaps damage too. Again I'm not certain, but the Dominatrix could possibly be underrated. At least the combination of Dominatrices, mobile shields and Levelers appears to work.
+0 / -0
I don't like Redback, Rogue, Rocko, Angler or Moderator. Sometimes you have to make those units, but if you do you're probably losing - they are the weak links of their factory. Claymore is a joke unit. Sometimes effective, but a joke unit. Something needs doing about its atrocious performance on land, if it's going to fire on land at all. Dart is a bad unit in as of itself, but it's faster and has much more line-of-sight compared to a Scorcher, so it's good to have one to scout ahead of your Scorcher raids. Dart would be exceptionally good if it were buildable from a Tank factory. It's also effective against Scalpels. Athena is underrated (or more accurately difficult to use) as a switch from factories that lack in utility and/or artillery. ... However, without question, the Surfboard is the worst unit in Zero-K. I have made every other unit in the game with a plan for why I wanted or needed it to win the game at some point in my ZK career. The Surfboard only exists to meme with trollcoms, and it's not even good at that.
+4 / -0
that would be placeholder and singu
+1 / -0
quote: Singu and Placeholder |
. How is singularity bad? 225 energy per sec is a pretty high amount. But explosion is ridiculous size.
+0 / -0
The part you're missing is that Singularity Plants don't explode, they implode (hence, sucking things in, like Placeholder does). In other news, Placeholder OP.
+0 / -0
Wyvern sucks things in as well.
+0 / -0
quote: Again I'm not certain, but the Dominatrix could possibly be underrated. At least the combination of Dominatrices, mobile shields and Levelers appears to work. |
Dominatrix is a very sharp and double-edged sword. It is also clumsy, expensive, and cannot shoot over others, so you need to be VERY good with maneuvering them to take advantage of having more than two. It can be useful, but is much easier to counter than to use, and the more of them you make, the harder you are asking to be countered. 5 dominatrices already cost like a Wyvern, which will pwn them in one hit, or a Grizzly against which they stand no chance. Dominatrices cannot be used without extensive control. Contrast with Wolverines, which are available to the same factory, work pretty well unmanaged, have an artillery sidearm, can shoot over each other, kill things irreversibly, and also counter Dominatrix by both disarming it (unless domi is on hold fire, see about uber micro requirements) and legitimately kiting it.
+4 / -0
Why tanks have turn radius > 0? I stopped to use Panther many months ago because of it.
+0 / -0
Why do spiders have turn radius > 0? Microing scorpion can be a pain.
+2 / -0
UP: vandal is useless. too weak vs anything, even massed. and made of paper. tarantula is overpriced and therefor also does not kill these fast planes. phoenix is useless and has mostly not any impact on the game gnat? archer? funnyweb is a shaddow of its former self. one shield and paper drohnes, too easyly disabled for that pricetag hacksaw. expensive and yet not really usefull. due to its short range it cannot prevent bombing runs effectively. most times planes succeed (but die then). bertha. award for most unfun unit ingame. sonar. too expensive. but sea balance is borked anyway. dominatrix? never used, it somehow does not fit to the game. who does know what quake is? OP/fun skuttle. no further explainations required.
+2 / -0
C'mon    mojjj Skuttle is not OP in any way shape or form. Though I admit it is super fun to see when it actually acheives something. (moar Skuttle gifs plz) Hacksaw does indeed die to air but not before making a cost against a planes. Surprise Hacksaw is a bane of Wyverns. Sonar is getting a price drop in the next patch. I've never had a freewin thanks to a Leviathan because I barely ever play FFAs. However I know that Leviathan was used in FFA as a good antinuke solution in the bast but that functionality has been since removed. Surfboard... right. Man I'm starting to regret hating on Skuttle since there are way worse offenders.
+1 / -0
Please post all sea balancing suggestions at So I can maybe make changes/balance, Please and thanks
+0 / -0
quote: Sonar is getting a price drop in the next patch. |
+0 / -1
I think gnat is underrated. Gnat + Banshee basically deals with anything up to Stardust cheaper than a mass of pure Banshee, and is overall tricky to fight what with all the stunned units, and the Gnats draw fire from the Banshees while being much cheaper to replace. Quake is pretty rarely seen, though. Theoretically it counters anti-heavy terraform, but the opportunity cost compared to the other missiles means it's rarely worth it and difficult to remember it exists when it is.
+1 / -0