I'm still missing your point. Like, what are you actually trying to achieve? Negativity and criticism are of value when they are used as a tool to make things better or help others do that. It seems to me like you don't really expect your criticism to change anything, so I really don't see the point.
It all reminds me of a subreddit of a show I used to watch, it's called The Big Bang Theory. It's no secret some of the later seasons were worse than the earlier ones. Many stopped watching the show (like I and several of my friends). However, a small, but extremely vocal minority kept watching the show or at least posting on the subreddit and constantly whining about how bad it had gotten.
I don't read the subreddit often, but from what I hear the same few users keep posting whine threads and posts about how atrocious the show is and much they hate it. There seems to be no rationality in their behaviour, just mere pissyness about something they used to like, but grew to dislike. It is mindboggling how some just can't move on and be involved with something they actually don't dislike instead of focusing on trying to make everything around themselves as pissy and negative as they are. Believe it or not, there are still people who actually like the show. Why not just let them enjoy it?
This applies to ZK as well. Every single game dies out some day. Nothing is eternal. To me it seems more rational to just enjoy it while it lasts (I wish I had the time) or simply move on to other things (if I didn't enjoy it any more) rather than be miserable myself and try to make others miserable too about lowering player numbers.
However, I see this discussion is going nowhere.