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Player Synergy

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These statistics are about how well pairs of players perform. Measured is again win rate.

This means that in balanced teams the difference to expected performance is measured. I.e. if somebody has an exceptional win rate when playing in a pair it means that he performs proportionally worse when not playing in the pair.

Small Teams

2v2 to 4v4. Minimum 50 games played in pair.

1. GBrank[V]Restrepo <-> CZrank[V]ConTrust : 3.07
2. AUrankAdminAquanim <-> AUrankAdminGoogleFrog : 1.87
3. USrankSupaNeb <-> RUrankFirepluk : 1.77
4. SKrankSvatopluk <-> PLrankFailer : 1.7
5. CZrank[X]Athon <-> CZrankIcyIcyIce : 1.7
6. SKrankSvatopluk <-> AUrank4hundred : 1.65
7. EErankNorthChileanG <-> PErankatom2 : 1.64
8. PErankvenom69 <-> PErankRunesword : 1.62
9. USrankkaen <-> EErankNorthChileanG : 1.57
10. SKrankSvatopluk <-> UArankCorvus_Corax : 1.52


2v2 only. Minimum 20 games played in pair.

1. RUrankindaled <-> RUrankFirepluk : 3.5
2. GBrankPRO_Silencer <-> GBrankPRO_rANDY : 2.89
3. USranksouthern98 <-> RUrankFirepluk : 2.2
4. CArankDeadShawn <-> CArankdushmoof : 1.85
5. RUranksfirecracker <-> RUrankbanana_Ai : 1.64
6. RUrankYogzototh <-> Skasi : 1.63
7. EErankNorthChileanG <-> PErankatom2 : 1.62
8. AUrankSnuggleBass <-> ILrankhokomoko : 1.6
9. GBrankTheSponge <-> EErankAdminAnarchid : 1.5
10. EErankNorthChileanG <-> PTrankraaar : 1.44

Big Teams

5v5 and bigger. Minimum 100 games played in pair.

1. @Saab <-> FIrankjuhtor : 2.06
2. BRrank[V]sheep <-> CZrank[V]ConTrust : 1.9
3. BErankBrynnlow <-> DErankChesti : 1.89
4. @Saab <-> ITrankOldGhostStalker : 1.86
5. GBrank[V]Restrepo <-> CZrank[V]ConTrust : 1.86
6. ESrankMULTIPLAYERS <-> @Radavvadra : 1.74
7. LVrankSenaven <-> FRrankHelwor : 1.69
8. ILranknimor <-> PLrankRafalpluk : 1.69
9. HRranktomicaST <-> ESrankcariny0 : 1.68
10. @Radavvadra <-> FRrankHelwor : 1.67

Uncooperative pairs

All kind of team games, at least 100 games played in pair. But now the worst win rates.

1. CArankGleaKoak <-> CArankdushmoof : 0.49
2. ESrankElTorero <-> GBrankKyubey : 0.51
3. ITrankOldGhostStalker <-> GBrankKyubey : 0.54
4. RUrankFirepluk <-> TWrankwen001 : 0.56
5. FRrankBrokk <-> RUrankFirepluk : 0.57
6. USrank[Crimson]Fatalis <-> USrank[Crimson]Akantor : 0.6
7. DErankfxrs <-> RUrankFirepluk : 0.6
8. USranksammojr <-> RUrankFirepluk : 0.61
9. DErankpizza123 <-> PLrankRafalpluk : 0.63
10. UArankDIVO <-> DErankXivender : 0.63

+3 / -0

8 years ago
We also learn that teams containing both Svatopluk and Firepluk will have their win chance reduced to 74%.

Does that mean "74% of what it would otherwise be"?

10. DIVO <-> Xivender : 0.63

+0 / -0
Was a bit tired there, of course a win rate of 1.0 is the equivalent of 50% wins, not 100%. 0.74 means for every 74 won games they lost a corresponding 100 games. Thus they actually win 43% of games.

You can calculate it yourself with \frac{winrate}{1+winrate}
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Don't think this is a good way to calculate it because if you win / loose a game depend of your team synergy but also depend on who you play against...

A n00b against a veterant will loose due of a lack of expérience but not because a lack of synergy.

mayby you cad add the elo of the team in your calculation.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
You can assume teams to have same ELO, at least from 4v4 up this is pretty much always the case.

In 2v2 this distorts the results the strongest, so you have to keep it in mind. Although USranksouthern98 (lowest ELO bracket) still made it to third place.
+0 / -0