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Title: Zero-K: All Welcome
Host: CZrankSpringiee
Game version: Zero-K v1.4.7.0
Engine version: 102.0
Battle ID: 423109
Started: 8 years ago
Duration: 50 minutes
Players: 10
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 51.2%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 48.8%


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why don't we still have no separate elo for lag-games?!
DErankAdminmojjj build almost no movable units, but superior eco, bertha scary sounds, and silo rockets that helped to kill enemy DRP after which enemy was demoralized having not enough lags. when lags hadn't hurt so much yet, made roach citadel on the dam! *lag-elo ~2050*
BYrankGorilloX won sea vs 2 weaker players, but then resigned after seeing enemy drp... *lag-elo ~1600*
ESrankMULTIPLAYERS suicided so much units to enemy that they had no time to reclaim all of them, they were too buzy with that wrecks and didn't pushed the side much! *lag-elo ~1650*
GBrankWonkey apparantly had the best CPU, so they could be able to control bantha that I made, and held the mid dam not letting enemy in for the whole game! *lag-elo ~1900*
UArankdahn spammed strategy discussions, scouting info, and overal spirit of lobsterization. and bombed enemy drp and singus. *lag-elo ~2000*
I demand LAGELO system!
+2 / -0

8 years ago
^ this is what comes of playing games on Folsom
+2 / -0
ya sorry about that. i had monster lag. i thought leaving would do more harm than being offensively useless. directing bertha fire and silo while hardcore ecoing was doable even with lag...

also i got lectures of UArankdahn how to play zk.

no movable units at all

nonono! wrong! i did cloaked roaches which scared them of the bridge. and later a bantha. and i rezzed the siht ouf of them.

Engine version: 102.0

monster lag: suddenly most ZK games lag like hell, even on small maps
+2 / -0
indeed... corrected ^.^

that's true, DErankAdminmojjj , lags hurt much more nowadays. I disabled all particles rendering loosing ability to see placeholder's black hole, fancy napalm graphics, etc, but lags are reduced significantly.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I've made an issue about the Quicksilver bug. If you have spare time, bring data (whether burning all trees helps, whether maps with trees are genuinely affected more, whether maps with trees are affected more than maps with non-swaying features like rocks).
+2 / -0