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9 years ago
Most recent game: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/399065

Infolog: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Dp71aUFrNSTXlkREYyc0VndlU/view?usp=sharing

Both client and lobby crash simultaneously, telling me they're not responding and prompting me to exit them. I'm pretty sure it happens when resigns or resign votes happen. Initially I didn't mind that much because it seemed to happen as the game ended, but now it's crashed several times without the game ending (presumably a failed vote).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I was going to create a new post about this but, I found this one i have exactly the same problem and at least one other player, I know has said the same.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
25 days without reply? if this is still relevant:
That infolog is incomplete, cut off at end:

[f=0000000] > Poll: Force game? [!y=1/4, !n=0/4]
[f=0000000] <indaled> !vote 1
[f=0000000] > Poll: Force game? [!y=2/4, !n=0/4]

Try this: https://springrts.com/wiki/Infolog.txt#incomplete_or_empty_logfile.3F
(but in case of hang does not always work)

Crash aside there are lots of warning about duplicate archives:


Error: Error opening "E:\Spring\maps\frozenfortress_v2.sd7": Archive not found
Warning: Unable to open archive: E:\Spring\maps\frozenfortress_v2.sd7
Error: Found a "C:\Users\Hadyn\Documents\My Games\Spring\packages\4424209458f20cd20ee02accbeca2df9.sdp" already in "E:\Spring\packages\4424209458f20cd20ee02accbeca2df9.sdp", ignoring.
Error: Found a "C:\Users\Hadyn\Documents\My Games\Spring\games\spring_features-v01.sdz" already in "E:\Spring\games\spring_features-v01.sdz", ignoring.
Error: Found a "C:\Users\Hadyn\Documents\My Games\Spring\games\evolution_rts_--v7.56.sdz" already in "E:\Spring\games\evolution_rts_--v7.56.sdz", ignoring.
Error: Found a "C:\Users\Hadyn\Documents\My Games\Spring\games\ba_chicken_defense-v3.09.sdz" already in "E:\Spring\games\ba_chicken_defense-v3.09.sdz", ignoring.

(Typical for spring/lobbies to spray downloaded files into several places.)
+0 / -0



Apparently I have two infologs? Presumably they're identical but I thought I better post both just in case.

I'd completely forgotten I'd reported this. I thought I'd found someone else with an identical issue, but just a past iteration of meself.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Apparently I have two infologs?
No idea how this can happen.
-Maybe crashed and rejoined? not sure how zK-lobby handles infologs in that case.
-Both are "live", not from replay.
-both say: "Recording demo to: ...demos\20150322_151534_Fields_Of_Isis_98.0.1-398-g80e6cfa develop.sdf" - I think on rejoin it would record to a new filename.
-both say: "using name SnuggleBass" - Seems you were not spec-cheat-smurfing either.

http://paste.springfiles.com/view/9925167d and http://paste.springfiles.com/view/06444957
Those are both with Spring 98.0.1-398-g80e6cfa develop which is very old test version. Game version is old too. (Nobody will look)

I also now noticed in your first post:
Most recent game: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/399065
Infolog: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Dp71aUFrNSTXlkREYyc0VndlU/view?usp=sharing

the infolog was not from that replay. (maps are different)

This could be worth looking into:
I'm pretty sure it happens when resigns or resign votes happen.
If you have a theory how to cause crashes then try to reproduce it. Start game, resign. Repeat until crash.
Either test in private host but better would be on normal offical host for more realistic test. (If random people join then recruit them as test subjects.)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
What were the folders where you found the two identical infologs?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Hard-drive:E Spring

Now it's happening midgame. Same issue, but doesn't wait until a game is finished before crashing both lobby and game.

I'd like to clean out all the extra versions etc. but don't know which ones are actually in use. Last time I attempted to change anything I messed up and couldn't access ZK anymore.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
They are not identical (one has an underscore), and if you delete both, the proper one will be recreated. I think one of them is created by ZKL.

Find your springsettings.cfg and write LogFlush=1 to end of that file before crashing next time. Flushing logs on every new line costs a little performance, but if you crash, you'll get the complete thing down to the last line.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Hmmm could have sworn they were identical. Maybe I forgot which multiple infologs I was talking about and assumed these ones were it.

I couldn't remember there being an underscore or different file size.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
It seems to happen independent of games. If I open the lobby and come back an hour later, it'll have crashed.

It also has happened twice during a game (ruining the multi). If it's not game related then posting gamelogs probably isn't useful. What should I post then?
+0 / -0
You should check lobby logs then. But usually this seems to recently be related to Steam integration.

Do you do things with Steam while ZKL is running?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Nah don't really play with steam too much. It might be doing stuff in the background. It can be sneaky like that. I'll try making sure Steam is completely off while playing and see if it makes a difference. Thanks.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Welp I left my computer on over night after disabling steam and when I woke up zkl was still functioning, so I guess that's the fix! Thanks guys <3<3
+0 / -0