quote: Added a hotkeyable action to select a ready Raven |
I'd love it if some people could try this and provide feedback. I've found it useful, but I have no idea if others will. Here's what it does: quote: The hotkey selects "ready" Ravens: armed, not being refueled or repaired, and not already tasked with an attack order in their command queue. The hotkey selects one Raven at a time, allowing you to give it a specific attack order and then quickly select another one that's ready to attack. In this manner you can quickly assign individual Ravens to individual targets, ensuring that targets will not be overkilled nor underkilled and that high-priority targets will be hit first.
The hotkey has some intelligence. If you press it once, it will select a ready untasked Raven. If you press it again, it will continue to add ready untasked Ravens to the selection. This allows you to, for example, press the hotkey five times to select a group of five ready untasked Ravens, then click on a factory to hit it with five bombs. So not only can you quickly assign individual Ravens to individual targets, you can quickly assign the right number of Ravens to each individual target.
The Ravens selected will be those that are closest to the mouse pointer.
If you already have a selection containing various types of units, pressing the hotkey will filter out everything except ready untasked Ravens. So you can select all the ready Ravens flying around some area by box-dragging across the area and then pressing the hotkey, or you can select all ready Ravens everywhere by pressing ctrl+A and the hotkey. |
To use this hotkey, go to Game -> Selection Hotkeys -> Individual precision bombers and bind a key to it.
+1 / -0
"Idle constructor select:" Would a good soul remind me how to select idle constructor?
+1 / -0
Ctrl+I ? Or by clicking the Idle Constructor button in the widget the name of I don't remember.
+1 / -0
There's some weird bar that shows commanders, factories and builders and makes them selectable by clicking on them. I think it was called "core select" or something. Dunno for sure, I disabled it for being obsolete. You can also select idle constructors via a hotkey. I use Ctrl+B, I think there's also some default. Check your hotkey settings ingame.
+1 / -0
'Phoenix can target gunships.' Wow. Now phoenix is OP. :D :D However as phoenix already is poor against ground vs its price then i think its more trolly feature. Killed krow with phoenix however sound ultimate trolling. But raven rebuff is welcome.
+1 / -0
Windicator radar icon is too weird for its physical form...
+1 / -0
Can tbirds still target air? What has changed since my stasis? Scythes still a problem? I will return to Zero-K this week (more precisely by Friday) and would like to know. (Although I'll have to set up my new card and config spring for the nth time)
+1 / -0
quote: Would a good soul remind me how to select idle constructor? |
Control-v is the default as I remember.
+1 / -0
Yeah TBirds still work to my knowledge. I can't really picture phoenix being effective vs. GS, but I'm sure there will be at least niche scenarios. That bomber UI thing sounds africkinmazing. I can see that being very useful. Denerfing them at the same has incentivized me to try them next time I'm in teams. We should post a list of what new raven is effective against. Last time there was a ruckus over no longer being anti-raider. People were offended that what used to work no longer worked, as if old raven was the golden standard of design principle. This dive speed will still rule out bombing glaives and scorchers right? But maybe pyros and bandits are catchable before raven fatalities? Ducks? Panthers/kodachis? I'm not sure if this will result in oppressive planes once more, but anything that can shake up current GS spam meta would be nice. May even be viable as 1v1 start now that GS is seeing 1v1 starts too.
+1 / -0
I would definitely use the riot X for Brawler to make it easier distinguishable.
+1 / -0
Who am I to break a combo?
+1 / -0
It's great that Shadowfury333 fixed that COFC tiltzoom problem, but tilt zooming still has a bit of jitter, guess we have to wait someone to fix the camera interpolation on the engine side.
+0 / -0
quote: I would definitely use the riot X for Brawler to make it easier distinguishable. |
Nuuu give it the artillery  or ranged support
+1 / -0
Brawler is an interesting case for role icons. I don't think artillery is appropriate because other artillery:
Has low health.
Outrange most things which can target it.
Brawler outranges barely any AA so I do not think it qualified for artillery. Ranged support makes a bit more sense than skirmish because it is like a Slasher in that it fires constantly and has restricted movement while firing. But the support role icon looks weirder than the skirmish icon. The appropriate role icon for Blackdawn is also unclear. It mostly has assault because of its high health and low range. There are cases to be made for riot, skirmish and even raider though.
+0 / -0
quote: Arty outrange most things which can target it. Brawler outranges barely any AA so I do not think it qualified for artillery. |
It also heavily outranges pretty much everything which is not AA though - in particular, it's the only GS to outrange HLT and Defender. Clearing these out is arty job.
+1 / -0
I decided to try to find an underlying "gunship" symbol that would not be a complex pictogram, but rather be a reasonably simple shape. http://imgur.com/a/h8SMd
+2 / -0
Classy, looks like a bowtie.
+0 / -0
I prefer the pictogram. It's not that complex.
+2 / -0
The bowtie lacks blobbyness. Most of the other icons in ZK:
Have their origin (middle of the underlying unit) near their center of mass.
Can contain a fairly large circle centered at their center of mass.
The bowtie fails at the second requirement. The new gunship icons sort of fail at both requirements but less severely.
+1 / -0