Will we ever finally see Scythe nerf?
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Will we ever see Svatopluk nerf?
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quote: Will we ever see Svatopluk nerf? |
Every time I face his scythes they feel incredibly annoying
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Did Scythes kill your sound card with their attack sound?
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No Scythes kileld eveyrthing I had. And I didnt even notice them becasue thye cloak in hal a second. I coulnd't hurt them either because they have huge regen. I couldnt see them coming becasue they are invisible. When I finally noticed them I couldn';t react becasue it took them 3 seconds ot get rid of my stuff. And I couldn't hurt enemy in any other way, because they require almost no e ukpeek.
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I still think it could be interesting to remove their HP regen to get players to bring cloaked Conjurers for repairs. Their jammers should be enough for some sneaky repairs in a safe place. By the way, have you tried paroling ground units? Usually in singleplayer campaigns whenever players are given cloaked units to control, they're asked to dodge patrols. I always felt it was a bit sad that no players use patrol in competitive MP RTS games.
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Try roaches/ticks next time  Failer and don't fail
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Patrol with.. what? I was HV. Panthers? Uve got to be kidding me, thye die to anything for cost. Kodis? Scythes melt them. Banihsers? If I had to cover my base with Banishers I would be as good as resigned. Roaches? With HV fac? 680 metla to counter 440? (not counting my own stuff I would destroy, becasue I cant raoch Scythes unless they attack anything). GG
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Maybe you should link some games in order to prove their OPness
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 Failer did you 1v1? If not then your team could've had access to non-HV factories.
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Let your air guy kill them.
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Banshees. quote: teammates are not an option |
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Again, if u mange to catch them before they dissapear.
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Well. You know the drill, then. Abuse till nerf.
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Blastwings! :D Fire should theoretically counter cloakers 'cause it keeps dealing damage and preventing cloak. Just gotta be careful not to blow up your own economy while suiciding at raiding Scythes. Solarwalls and terraform to funnel raiders into a single, protected entrance could help too. Or do as    Anarchid suggested and let your opponents find counters for you.
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I dont see any problem wioth his scythes. Even if they are annoying. They can be countered. One roach make cost killing one scythe. Ticks. Problem is that players don't think how to counter them in latgeame. However in start they can relly fast kill enemy. I think need higher energy demand for scythes so they cant be rushed so fast in start. And regen rate for scythes is insane.
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YE ,sure one roach will kill one scythe. And your commander at once. You know, scythes appear when they attack stuff. Most of th etime your (or allied) stuff. If u want to blow a Scythe, u have to blow up the thing it is attacking too. Now, Scythe is 220, rite? Roach is 180, rite? Mex is 75, rite? 180 + 75 > 220. Didn't make cost. 660 (3 scythes) > 180 + 1k (your comander). 440-660 > 180 + 1k (your fusion fusion). U want me to list more? Another idea?
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quote: You know, scythes appear when they attack stuff |
Or when they get uncloaked by running into an enemy unit, like a Roach that they couldn't see.
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I dont patrol ar place roaches close on my mexes or coms. I use them mostly as static mines. Also you get reclaim from killed scythes in territory. Fusions and vital objects (except most factory) can be terraformed. Jumper com with fire attack do miracles vs scythes so i dont need nearby roach i can put outlaw close.
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