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Title: 1v1: All welcome!
Host: CZrankElerium
Game version: Zero-K v1.4.2.12
Engine version: 100.0
Battle ID: 401257
Started: 9 years ago
Duration: 16 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Competitive
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 20.2%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 79.8%


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9 years ago
dat sumo jump
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9 years ago
That game underlines how few options shields have in this matchup.
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9 years ago
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Casted on YouTube

Shield options come down to positioning, so don't write them off that quickly RUrankivand.
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9 years ago
I agree that JJ has the advantage, though don't think this example the decisive factor. Dorsh is getting quite good, but Flipstick he ain't. He wasn't expected to win this, regardless of how many times he takes GoogleFrog and myself to town XD

From second point of expansion, dorsh was at a disadvantage. His expansion route was far weaker, ultimately making it difficult for him to expand any further. From that point on he was against a superior player with a superior economy, it didn't matter what fac he had.

This all said, many of the units from shield are obsolete after a particular point. The congested gamestate that shieldbot excels in is trumped by placeholder, and there isn't a single unit in the fac that can deal with sumo (never thought I'd say that!). On top of which, bandits do okay in the raider game at best, get trounced at worst, and don't have many realistic scenarios they can excel in, since they're too slow to catch out firewalkers, and moderators aren't really used much.

Shield is a strong factory though, and I while it'd be nice for every matchup to be balanced, shield is well positioned in the meta-game already, having options against most other facs.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Rogues - JJ assaults don't care about rogues. There's no use case for them. They're just a liability since they can't deal with pyro, or puppy, and they're dead metal once a firewalker is on the field.

Outlaws - Can help, but ultimately they don't. What I mean by this is that the top end of JJ obsoletes them, while they don't do anything decisive enough before that top end is reached, ultimately being a deadend. You can never attack with them due to placeholder, so again, dead metal.

Felons - Sumo and firewalker make it useless. It does give solid local superiority for some time, but has difficulty with jacks too. Again, you can't push with felon, mostly due to the easy deflection options available to any fac, such as solars and stingers.

I think the best bet with shield is to try and match expansion for long enough for economies to scale, play defensively, then retrump them with striders. A catapult with good babysitting should break the game back open pretty quickly. Although dante may be tempting because it'll smash sumos and iirc is resistant to firewalker, I think it might be a trap due to placeholder/skuttle.
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9 years ago
I'm not in touch with the 1v1 meta right now. That being said, I do have a few thoughts about the matchup.

- Are people using Roaches enough in the matchup? Obviously they don't do well against Puppies but that never stopped Tick being good against JJ in my experience. Tick does have the advantage of cliff movement which is helpful against Pyros.

- In the past I have dealt with Sumo by making Racketeer and spamming Lotus. Has anybody tried something along those lines? (Admittedly might not work well against Jack.)

- Faraday seems moderately strong against Jumps in general - it stops Pyros retreating, though you might need multiple Faradays or some other distractions against Jack(s).

I remember RyMarq used to play Jumps a lot and said that the matchup against Shield was very bad. That was before the Firewalker changes (as well as getting cheaper, the multiple-fireball thing was aimed squarely at making it better against shields in general).
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9 years ago
I agree that JJ is one of the if not the best fac. It takes a lot of skill though, which mitigates this strength in most games. Shield is also one of the more powerful facs, even if this matchup doesn't work out in its favour.

Maybe it's time to have that discussion once more.

Roaches do okay for themselves, I personally have issues making them connect. I think it's mostly good against mismanagement though, since a good player will spread their units well as JJ. The payoff for landing a roach vs. pyro doesn't seem like enough, considering that you're taking the risk of it never meeting a pyro, or worse, getting killed without connecting.

Racketeer+lotus will negate sumo, but won't actually deal with it. You're then sitting there getting firewalked all over.

I think Rymarq's era of JJ was also pre mod buff. Now it's basically impossible to attack into JJ with a shieldball, even if you catch someone off-guard moderators can be built in response. This is in addition to problems with jacks/firewalkers/placeholders/sumos later on. I'm pretty sure it was the thuglaw ball he had issues with anyway.
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