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Total Annihilation Zero ND Tournament #1

8 posts, 757 views
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I guess i will not have too much luck here :D
Still giving it a shot.

Welcome RTS Fans to the first Total Annihilation Zero ND Tournament.

Zero is a fast paced mod for TA with totally new graphics and controls. Plus a third faction called GoK.
For further information you can check out the following pages:
http://zero.tauniverse.com/ (outdated)

For gameplay videos check out my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIGJ_Jt1C7W0MU5RHn2h10w

You can download the current Zero ND Standalone here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8727ymz5f6sea8/TA%20Zero%20ND%20Tournament.zip?dl=0

You are interested in checking out this awesome RTS gem and play a tournament?

Sign up here!


Prize pool so far:
1. place: 50 €
2. place: 1 steam key

Steam and Origin keys you can choose from:

This list is not final and i will add more keys until friday.

If someone wants to donate something, feel free to contact me!

Tournament Information:

Mode: 1on1; Bo3

Preset Startmap + Loser choice


4P Total Temple

4P Hierarchy

4P Rivalry

4P River of Flames

Settings Lobby:

Metal: 1000
Energy: 1000
commander death: ends game
Location: Random
LOS: True
Map: Mapped
Gamespeed: 0

Additional Rules:

- all players have to record the games and the winner has to upload the replays on challonge

- all players need the ND "NoDraw" addon for Total Annihilation Zero (it prevents draw situations)

- In case of a disconnect the game has to be replayed, except the players can agree on a clear winner. If a player disconnects more than one time in the BO3 and the opponent disagrees to play a rematch, he lost the match.

- If both Commanders explode, the player whose death message is displayed first loses the game. If one player disagrees with the result, I decide whether there will be a rematch.

- in any case of disagreement or other problems contact me (TaShadan; Gameranger ID:636237)

- all games have to be played on Gameranger and all players Gameranger IDs have to be provided to me

- only maps in the mappool are allowed

- any hacking or cheating results in a disqualification

- +lostype command is forbidden

Important information:

Keep in mind that this game is still in late alpha stage which means there might be bugs.
One example is the false message "Player has cheats enabled: invisible"
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Will finals be cast/can I watch them without having the game?
+0 / -0
I will upload the best games on youtube. I try to cast as well but my english sucks. If i am ok with the quality of the cast i will upload the games with cast. Unfortunately i cannot offer a live stream because my upload sucks.
I will also release a replay pack including all games.
If you download the Zero ND pack (link above) you will be able to watch replays too.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Update on rules and prize pool.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Updated the keys you can choose from. I will also close registration on friday + shuffle the grid and add start maps for each round.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Particular reason for posting in ZK fourms when OTA fourms exist? Also ModDB?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Cross-marketing, probably. There are OTA players in the ZK playerbase, so it makes sense to reach out to them.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Because Zero ND is much faster and more micro oriented compared to OTA.
+0 / -0