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Planetwars = Double edged sword

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13 years ago
Well I dont know will you agree or not, but Planetwars are double edged sword, currently battles are almost always clanstack with few noobs against all other noobs. And all other noobs mostly lose again and again and then you dont want to play this game at all -> lose players, or I just think so, maybe I m wrong. So it keeps those players who like PW and sorta discourages to play others, for example me.

Dont tell me you can choose whatever you want to play.

Yes you can play smaller game whatever you want, but most of people will join biggest game and that bigest game happens like this: pw gamers joins pw and then all noobs joins bigest game and then everybody plays planetwars. And teams mostly is empty or I mostly see it empty. Problem is (and actually is not, since with PW logic thats alright) that PW allows games with predict ~30% chance of win which results in total anihilation of random noobs vs clanstack. Even when it shows that it is 50% it actually is much less since you are playing against clanstack but ELO ratios is OK. And yes this is how planetwars should be played clan against clan there is nothing to do about it fine with me, just saying.

Again dont tell me you can choose to play whatever you want I absolutely agree with you. I m just saying what I think you shouldnt read this if dont want.

Currently in pw I mostly troll now and have no joy playing it because we play same map like 10th time with same imbalanced team and you know exactly how it will end and it ends 90% same. So while lets say metagame planetwars is fun. But real game is actually booring and not fun at all.

Just saying.

No comentars probably would be best and let this thread sink.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Forgot to mention since I dont have any faction I always belong to side which is random noobs = almost always lose. I could join Cybernetic, but dunno what would happen. And in general I dont like metagames my principles dont allow me to play any RPG or similar things (dont ask why I never ever played them) I like short fun "deathmach" game and something like RPG is not for me.

And currently there is real lack of well balanced good games. When there was no planetwars zero-k had much more real good games as far as I remember and I enjoyed playing it much more than I do now.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
the problem is pw allowing ridiculously unbalanced games to start. When you see a 1400 elo team vs 1700 elo team and it still starts something is really wrong.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
One of the problems is that people are joining factions just for this reason- because they are sick of clanstack so join the stacking team. This means the clans are mostly split along timezone or play-time lines, with cybernetics dominating the most. When I log in, we get 3-5 empire players and nobody else online. I often sit in rooms with 3 other empire players waiting for someone to come along- but because we have Godde, BD, etc, our elo is usually too high and so the games don't start.

We can do a range of things. Firstly I think faction membership needs to be random, and fixed (no faction jumping). At the least, the most active factions should be locked to new members (but this is hard to determine).

There should be an option to play a for-cash planetwars game if its unbalanced, with random teams.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
i don't play the planetwars meta game, so i might be completely misinformed but...

If the aim of pw is to have cool clan vs clan fights and a complex meta-game, why not limit max-players to a manageable size. Let's say 8 players max (and maybe even limit amount of specs)

With more games
- stacked battles have less influence on the total
- better top vs top clanplayer battles
- no overcrowded maps
- players more likely to join other game types with full batlle rooms (regular mp or 1v1)

+0 / -0

13 years ago
I tried to figure out PlanetWars at the beginning, but I've since given up making sense of it... at this point, it's just a frustration because it means "there's a game I can join that's likely to be badly stacked, but it's the only game that will start soon".

Honestly, if I were in charge I'd redesign PlanetWars to be completely individual. No clans, no teams. Each individual player is trying to conquer the galaxy.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah I must say, I have not played many PW games that were balanced.

Last night we repeatedly played 7v9, where the two best players in the 7 had two coms each.. while the 9 contained ALL the terrible noobs. The 9 lost somthing in the region of 7 games in a row, a whole evenings worth, without ever coming close to winning (so many noobs making defences and shield in their own base...)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Again, the more I think about it: remove clans and factions from planet wars. Individual battles are autobalanced purely on ELO, while the larger war is purely FFA.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
No we need a better balancing system for factions so that all factions have equally distributed skilled and active players.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
You can't what time which players will be active. Even if you perfectly balance the clans, what happens when all the best players of clan Y are active while all the worst players of clan Z are active?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You can count games played which is a measure of activity.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
A lot of ppl are unhappy with current pw... so my advice to wolas is to join one of the 2 leading factions to help end pw quickly so it can be closed and we can have large games (the reason i play pw) that seem fairly balanced.

BTW, more often than not, I'm playing vs M6, so I'm not convinced that clanstack is killing the games. But I admit cybers are very active, and that could be ruining the fun to play the meta-game for others, because even if we are playing vs ourselves, we still win.

But then again, either we have a game with no winner that last forever, or some faction takes over and we have loosers, and about 80% of players must loose by current design (simple/rough faction ratio).

Random idea: add more goals to the simple "win goal" (achievable by various means, but its still only 1 goal). Maybe some sort of pw awards, that people would be happy to collect even if they cant/dont reach the "ultimate goal" of taking over the galaxy. Examples: award for keeping a planet completely surrounded by an ennemy faction, award for keeping a planet after many unsuccessful attacks, ...

Analogy: when you loose a game but receive CA award, you may be satisfied by your performance (or rage at your team, but thats another problem)... defeat is much sweeter.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It was [V] who really showed that players who do want to win Planetwars will do anything, clanstacks, throw games, etc, in order to win the metagame.

And we can't really blame them, because that -is- how the game is designed.

I think that PW is fairly broken. Individual 'Feudal' Planetwars, or some system to enforce a LOT more mercenaries, is surely required.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
FeudalPW looks to me like just current non-PW teamgames + Farmville + fancy UI.

That said, I'm less resistant to the idea than I was now.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The trouble to me still with Mercs is how to balance it to be beneficial being merc with it being beneficial to be in a faction. Give too much, and the factions will be very small, with no real way to win. Give very little and we end up with cases like this.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That being said, Id be open for the idea if it lessens the balance issues, although at the moment, changing the ratios to try to balance heavier twoards faction/clan may be needed.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That or bring back Force to Fac.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Make different achievements for factions and mercs?

I have a question too. How did you balance the factions? With elo or something else?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Players can join whatever factions they like. Yeah, I know, awful plan and why we have no balance. But then there is a reduced sense of 'playing with friends' and 'clans' if you don't let players pick their allies (though IMO, the factions should be re-randomized every PW round, this doesnt 'gel' with the idea of clans).

My 5 faction design was meant to have clans balanced by their activity in the previous round of PW and re-assigned to new factions every round to keep it interesting. But Licho just left the factions open, and kept the factions the same every round (the membership lineup was meant to change along with the faction storylines, BTW).

Kingraptor: Ya. That's the point. Every version of Planetwars has the same problems, and none of the solutions seem to work. Worse, we keep changing the mechanics without changing how the factions are assigned (The real problem for balance). 2-faction PW was meant to have an enforced 33% merc rate (IE you cannot join a faction if less than 33% of active players are mercs).

Ultimately I want almost all Zero-K games to be Planetwars games, if they're just annoying clanstacks then it isn't really a true metagame. I think there is some hope of an enforced faction ratio working, but in the end i think the only option is to abandon the idea of ruining game balance for PW.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
[Licho[0K]] feaudal pw is just e-peen extender
[Licho[0K]] completely against the goals of pw, which is team cooperation and community creation

There's clearly a disconnect here. So I want everyone to put their cards on the table:
What do you play PlanetWars for?
The clan play? The sense of persistency? The Farmville bits? To conquer the galaxy?
+0 / -0
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