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Smoth's old maps

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9 years ago
Any of my old GRTS maps are going to be getting re-released. I am willing to make a few minor changes along with the release. It should be noted that it is only by dumb luck that I found out people actually played islands at war and there was an issue with the rig in it.

SO! If there are other issues with any of the GRTS_ maps, please post them. I want to do a final release of all my old maps so I can go on to NEW stuff.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
It is worth noting that GRTS_RiverValley is now river_Nix.


IIRC I was working on a few extra changes for saktoth but I am unsure of where I was last with this map.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Searching known maps for "grts", i find no map smaller than 20x20.

Do you deal in downscales?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
For the final releases? No but I can make a few altversions at a smaller size depending on the map requested.

also http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/4558 says that my hardness is too low, I never fuck with the stuff, how do you set a different hardness on different locations? it should not be terribly hard for me.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Implement a typemap, and make some types modify hardness.

See SandCastles for example, and other docs on wiki.
+0 / -0
List of downloadable maps with grts in the name

Cut the heights of Grts_Rocky_Glacier in half, mountains there are extreme for ZK standards, interesting and apparently nice looking map otherwise

Grts_Northernmountains had a similar issue iirc. Both starting boxes being north made for very unique and different games.

Grts_RiverValley_013 apparently crashes. (edit:nvm, sry forgot about the rename!)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I would like all the GRTS maps at half size, please. :) Except for that really, really long-narrow one (that I can't remember the name), which needs to be like 1/4 or 1/3 the length, but same width.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Gunmetal harbor cannot be halfed in size.

Also request for all, denied.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Skasi, is there a way to specify start boxes on a per map basis? I always did the map as the boxes on each of the respective bases but I could make the opposite side a base as well, in fact, I think I'll do that :P
+0 / -0

9 years ago
well, that is annoying. the damn board here baleeted my post when I clicked preview. Anyway:

Rivervalley = rivernix. Version 13 is now too large for spring to handle. There was a time it could be loaded just fine.

Before I get a request for like 10 of the maps to be resized with alternate releases... the heights were done because NOTHING in spring had realistic mountains. Rocky glacier is no higher than the differences here in golden. I can try and reduce their height but perhaps if I post a version with a height mutator you lot can try them and give me some feedback? would that be an option? I know zkl does not support map options(unless they finally got with the program) so you would have to try playing with the height in spring lobby. Skasi, would that be acceptable? That way I you can adjust the height and I could make a version of the snow maps with reduced heights?

Which brings up a fun question, does ZKL support maps with dependencies? If so I could make a few mutator maps for the height ones, that would give you both the old height and the new with minor download time!
+0 / -0
Height mutators are bad:

1) ZKL doesn't map options currently
2) It ruins pathing and path cache.

Which brings up a fun question, does ZKL support maps with dependencies

ZKL does. Map indexer currently does not, but that's liable to change shortly. Download size is of negligible concern though, so i wouldn't mind a standalone.

Some downsized maps would be fine if you can do that Wait, you already said that some downscales are OK.

I guess we/someone will have to pick N.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
also, no issues with messa or cooked well right?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
yeah, I don't mind doing a few downscales. Some of the maps would be TOO tiny for a 10x10 I suspect. What are your particular preferences?
+0 / -0
Personally i would pick Northernmountains, Cookedwell and/or Rockyglacier to be 12x12 or 14x14, in approximately this order of priority.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
yeah it isn't a problem to do that. Why are height mutators bad? It is a new map for all intents and purposes just uses the other archive for the tiles
+0 / -0
Oh wait, 'mutator' as in a 'heightmap file vfs override', not as 'gadget that terraforms'. Aren't Spring heightmaps and diffuse maps baked together into the largest file in map archive?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
yes, but I already do height manipulation for stuff like inverted and dry versions. I wish the lobby supported at least those and the weather options. I don't care if the staff needs me to add an extra config it CAN read.. just irks the crap out of me as my maps that have those options could have 4x the game potential.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The map I was thinking of was gantelope. :P I second northernmountains though.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Skasi, is there a way to specify start boxes on a per map basis?

Sorry I am not sure I understand what you mean. Admins can set different starting boxes for each map. There is also a pretty new "Startbox API" if you're interested in something slightly more complex.

Messa is currently featured and doesn't have any real critics in the comments, so I guess it's alright. There are a few comments about low metal, but those are directed at ZK's custom metalmap and can be adjusted by us.

Cookedwell could probably use a custom metalmap as well, there's too of metal in the center. Again this is something we could change locally.

I am unsure about a height mapoption. I'd say just keeping extreme height differences below 500 elmos would be "alright".
+0 / -0

9 years ago
The grts maps tend to be a bit large for ZK. A good range for a teamgame is 14x14 to 18x18.

I don't think we need map options. It is very rare for people to deviate from defaults. We have modoptions and they tend to be barely used.

River Mouth has been played frequently but not recently. I think that map was a bit bare and there are other maps with similar shapes and more interest. So no need to re-release.

The metal map of Cookedwell did not make good games and has not been played in ages. But no release is required because we could add a lua metal map ourselves (gameside).

At some point Messa saw quite a bit of play. It would probably work well with a 18x18 version.

DesertValley works well as is.

I am not familiar with the rest of the grts listed here: http://zero-k.info/Maps?featured=false&search=grts&special=-1

Generally grts maps have metal map problems (understandably, as grts doesn't use it) but if someone wanted to work on a fix they could include a gameside metal map config. Am I correct in thinking that none of the grts have mex texture? That would be the only issue wit writing a config.
+0 / -0
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