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give labs armour boost when closed

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13 years ago
purely for consistency with razors kiss and doomsdays, would also help prevent things like licho rush perhaps
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13 years ago
Now i think of it this makes alot of sense.
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13 years ago
Of course reduce health first to compensate to values which is now then it will make sense. Now labs are already cheap and healthy.
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13 years ago
Its not like you make labs to tank dmg. If you do that you make razor kiss which is much cheaper. Besides giving them this armor bonus will make the game more forgiving for nubs (god knows how many times i saw nubs getting rushed by a single glaive and getting their fac killed). The armor bonus gives teammates more time to help their nub. I dont think it will have much other effect on gameplay. Getting all your eco ruined is bad enough already.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I cant listen to this ^

I think fusions should get extra 10 shields because noobs will build them anyway, and cloaker for free so ZK will be more nub forgiving.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
lol typical wolas, making stupid unrelated rage arguments because someone does not agree with him.

this in not about fusions.
the size of the hp increase is debatable should this happen, it is also REVERTIBLE.
keep your counter arguments relevant or keep them to yourself
+0 / -0
13 years ago
But fusions with integrated shields and cloaker definitly would help noobs! Stupid harvey...
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13 years ago
it would also drain almost all of the E from the fusion you moron
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13 years ago
Then you should build singularity to power up fusions ;)

Also why not so factory transforms into units and can run and hide or maybe even fight! Or transform into medieval castle so it couldnt be burn by pyro.
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13 years ago
What if we just made all units unkillable? That would be very noob friendly.

Zero-K: A game of peace
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13 years ago
conflict terra is a game for spring where all labs transform into flying gunships of doom
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13 years ago
Ooh... so what if all labs can turn into Krow?
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13 years ago
This is a great idea, when factories are closed they look very much like they are armored. It would add to the consistencie in the game, and it would be an enhancement to the game, since it is harder to destroy the factory, and Zero-K claims to reduce "slippery slope", so one early game raid does not mean your end, because losing your factory in the early game pretty much means the end.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah lets factory have 15k Hp that will be fun. I will build them as canon fodders - blocades which even produce some units = win win.
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13 years ago
wolas you dont half come out with some shit. where do u get 15k hp from huh?
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13 years ago
So you think 15k hp is too friendly to noobs? but if player is real noob and someone rushed 3 glaives instead of 1 and he left few more constructors queued to build, so his friends maybe couldnt help in time. Gotcha didint thinked of that did you ;)

Hmm, but you might be actually right they will overhelm zero-k and server will be dosed, nobody ever saw such welcoming atitude to noobs, lets dont be that friendly.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What if lab can transform into Sumo, except instead of heat ray it shoots Fleas at the enemy?
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13 years ago
First of all factories cost twice as much as razor kisses. Razor kisses have 25% less hp but still WAY better hp/cost. I see no reason to make factories as tanks then as you can repair them alot slower and they cost more.

Now having a durable closed factory wont change much about the gameplay. If you are getting rushed you already lose all your eco which is a big disadvantage already. Its really unforgiving to lose all your units at the first minutes of the game especialy when its your first game.

Having a durable factory leaves some chance to nubs when they get rushed so they dont lose everything they have. Most of the time they leave when their factory get killed then later I actualy see their team winning the fight.

Then again what unbalance does a durable factory create?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think you're overreacting a bit Wolas.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah I cried... When reading these posts... Anyway *cleaning tears* WTF you did that enemy completely destroyed you? Made few cons to fast expand and eco? Porced fusion first? Maybe LLT is some mystery to you? Well whatever you did you did it wrong and you was killed - your tactic was completely wrong! Serves you well. You forgeting if enemy did rush and it failed he is at great disadvantage of eco now, did you started as heavy veh or similar crap and you couldnt afford to scout enemy? well serves you well.
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