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Rocko seems a bit wimpy

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The rocko, a skirmisher, does not seem to be able to fill the role of a skirmisher effectively. I have made the following observations.

1) It is prone to team kill when clumped. (Yes this can be avoided with proper micro but is still a problem.

2) It isn't very effective vs any general unit type:

a) It easily dies to raiders (as it should)
b) It is too slow to chase arty(not the main purpose so again, not a problem)
c) It is outranged by most static defence (some other skirms can kill lotus)
d) It is outskirmed by every other skirmisher due to it's short range (this is to be expected due to it's very low cost)
e) It is ok against riots (I feel the rocko's best chance to be effective metal-wise is against riots
f) It is very bad vs assaults compared to other skirms due to it's short range, slow move speed, and slow projectile speed

I) Jacks can jump on them by the time they are in range
II) Any aasault tank/lveh can dodge the rocko-shots and close the gap quickly
III) The remaining assaults, thug, zeus, hermit are all somewhat agile and can dodge a decent number of rocko shots due to their slow travel time.

I understand that it is by far the cheapest skirm unit, so it can't be expected to be fantastic, so I propose a complete rework of the unit. I don't have any specific ideas for what to change on it, but right now it seems like a bleh unit that has very little use even though it's cheap.

Please don't try to defend the rocko by citing only very specific situations where it is useful. Skirms are meant to be effective vs slower units (riot/assault) and right now the rocko fails at doing so overall.

Edit: Godamnit this thing was nicely formatted and it got ruined when i posted it
+0 / -0
9 years ago
hm you forget 2 of the most important infos about rokos.

it has the best firerate of al skirmishers.
and his cost is very low.

most other Facs skirmishers has a lot onger reload time and arent much faster.
So it is a good counter against some other facs units. Also it can kill lotus, defender etc very easily because loosing 1 inst a huge loost.

you just need to micro them well. Place them in a line and always when riots etc comme close, just move back. Also never only use 1 units. So why not get some Warriors close to your rockos. 10 Rockos + Warriors are already a real force.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
While the Rocko is a skirm, it is a bit assaulty, too, just like Hammers are a bit skirmy. Before Rocko's hp were nerfed from 450 to 350 I wanted to strengthen its skirmisher role, too. I would definitely not say it is a bad unit. Slight balance changes in whatever direction might be ok.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
c) It is outranged by most static defence (some other skirms can kill lotus)

If you get a group of Rockos you can hit and run LLTs and other static defense. The burst of a few Rockos can be enough to "one-shot" a tower. Make sure that all Rockos enter and exit the static's weapon range at the same time to minimize damage taken. Micro to prevent overkill and before going in use hold fire + set target to make sure no shots are wasted on things like solars and similar.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
IMO rocko could have somewhere in 365-400 health because that puts it above 2-shotting itself (they often hit each other) while keeping it below 400 (raiders are designed with 400 damage in mind because that's mex).

But cloaky is good enough so a crappy rocko is not really a problem.
+0 / -0
But cloaky is good enough so a crappy rocko is not really a problem.

I challenge this statement. In my experience, if you cannot win the game with pure glaive as cloaky (perhaps plus some utility from tick, hammer, scythe, sniper) these days your choices are generally to switch or lose. In teams maybe you can get away with fighting bad players with pure scythe.

Warrior and Zeus are thoroughly underwhelming compared to their equivalents in other factories, and Rocko is just bad.

(This is coming from a player who used to main cloaky, and now having been burned by its failure once too often does not play it, unless confident that glaive is all I need. Its direct competitor shield is just better at so many things.)

Part of the problem with cloaky is the meta shift. It fares rather poorly against the scalpel/wolverine meta.

10 Rockos + Warriors are already a real force.

Maybe... but it compares poorly to shield compositions, gets utterly dunked by scalpel/mace, can't do anything to wolverines, dies a short and horrible death to air, etc.
+0 / -0
Cloaky is fine when played to its strengths. Zeus/Warrior might seem bad (although IMO Warriors are great), but it gets super nasty with a cloaker. Zeus is especially nasty for sneaking up on heavy stuff like Grizzlies with a cloaker and stunning them until dead.

As for Rocko, it has qualities that other skirms don't. It's the most mobile and cheapest skirmisher. It's not that hard to use those strengths to one's advantage. It's no Scalpel, but IMO Scalpel is op anyway so the solution would be to nerf Scalpel instead of buffing Rocko.
+1 / -0
Any factory can get a cloaker, though, with sneaky pete morph. I suspect cloaked scallop is stronger than cloaked zeus/warrior.

I think a lot of people are remembering the old OP rocko. If you have recent replays of Rocko being used to good effect I would watch them.

Its fundamental failing is that it is outranged by all other skirms (IIRC), does not have the HP or anything else to compensate, and to add insult to injury its projectiles are unguided and very slow.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Sounds like we need to go back and do testing again.

I think Aquanim's assessment a little too harsh, but they certainly are falling away from where they used to be in the meta. Since GS have maintained their popularity as second fac on all the maps cloak is good at, the glaive just falls off way harder than it used to. Rockos and SS now fall below the point where you can blindly make them and feel confident it's not a mistake. Scythes are still amazing, and I doubt people have managed to reach their full potential.

I support Sprung's suggested changes.
+0 / -0
Here's a question to get us started. What cloaky games were played in the most recent tournament?

I remember the last Kyubey/Orfelius game was a cloaky+air mirror ultimately but that was a map on which pure glaive is strong (and IIRC was all they built from the cloakyfac). What other cloaky games were there?

EDIT: Filling in some games.
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/377459 - Siberian Divide seems like a cloaky map but both players plopped shield.
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/377450 - Drone plopped cloaky against Blackdutchie's jump - mixed in a couple warriors for defence but mostly just outecoed BD and overwhelmed with glaives.
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/377452 - Orf cloaky vs. blackdutchie shield - game was bandit vs. glaive into airswitch, BD won but I wouldn't conclude much about fac balance from this. (Except that Orfelius felt a gunship switch was more valuable than trying to transition from glaive within cloakyfac. Then again, BD switched directly from bandit into raven.)

Gotta go now, either I'll fill this out later or someone else can.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
You know how you use a line of glaives to raid enemy base and eco?

Rocko is meant to be used the same way.
+0 / -0
Rocko new raider meta? (wut.)

Rocko in and of itself is fine, it's more used than some other units. However, if there is an expectation for it to be a core part of the factory as it used to be then something is wrong.

Also, when it is used, it's not at a level anywhere near the skill cap of the unit. They are very good at running down light to medium defences if used well.
+0 / -0
If I were going to build a Cloaky unit to run down light-to-medium defences, it would be Hammer.

To refine an earlier statement of mine: It's possible Cloaky as it stands is fine... but it is a factory carried very hard by Glaive. Zeus and Warrior are not worthless by any means, but they are not the strength of the factory.

Rocko in and of itself is fine, it's more used than some other units.

Nearly everything is more used than Leviathan, Quake and Surfboard. Can you be more specific? In particular, which units are weaker/built less often than Rocko, but aren't underpowered themselves?

Not being used that often isn't that bad, for that matter. Stuff like Archer, Recluse, Hawk aren't built all that often but do have situations where they feel strong. I'm not sure Rocko does any more. I certainly don't see them very often at all, and they cause me very little trouble when my opponent builds them.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
AUrankAdminAquanim Normally I'm all about complete reworks, but I think the Cloakies are pretty solid and don't need that kind of abuse. Save the crazy re-works for things like the Jumpbots.
+0 / -0
I didn't say anything about a crazy rework. Some kind of small tweak to Rocko might be all that is required.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I am not pleased by the lack of neonstorming in this thread.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I didn't say anything about a crazy rework. Some kind of small tweak to Rocko might be all that is required.

A small tweak to Scalpel might have a similar effect plus a plethora of other nice effects.
+0 / -0
AUrankAdminAquanim - sorry, didn't realize you weren't OP. Meant to direct previous comment to USrankKshatriya



- Remove the jamming field from the Conjuror
- Add a small static-only cloakfield to burrowed Ticks, so Cloaky players can create small cloakfields as needed so we get early-game cloakfields.
- Give the Warrior raider-level idle regen. Now it can hide in Tick bubbles to heal.
- Replace the Zeus weapon with a ball-lightning projectile so it's no longer accurate, then buff the hell out of it.
- Either slightly buff the Rocko's rockets, or just remove Rocko altogether and use the model for a new better Hammer to replace the current ugly one
- Glaive needs leveler sidearm

That more to your liking?
+2 / -0

9 years ago
A small tweak to Scalpel might have a similar effect plus a plethora of other nice effects.

Don't get me wrong, this would also be good. (Though considering it's nearly single-handedly making Hover viable, and Hover isn't really overpowering Lveh or Tank in terms of factory choices even now, care is necessary.)
+0 / -0
Don't get me wrong, this would also be good. (Though considering it's nearly single-handedly making Hover viable, and Hover isn't really overpowering Lveh or Tank in terms of factory choices even now, care is necessary.)

That suggests that a Scalpel nerf, which would probably improve viable unit diversity all round, needs to balanced against gentle buffs elsewhere in the fac.

re: Rocko, agree it is underwhelming.
+0 / -0
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