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How to throw games without looking like you threw the game?

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8 years ago
alt-title: How to lose elo in team games without being explicitly trolly?
+1 / -1
8 years ago
If people are familiar with you, your play style and your skill level, then its pretty much impossible.

So i can only suggest you stop playing for a year or two so people forget about you and your skill level. And then come back and start using troll(ish) strats, and lose games.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
What kind of thread is that.

1) Play in matches where trolling is harder to judge. (for ex: big teams on tiny map)

2) pause a few times because you "need to fix settings", then after 5th pause say "ok sorry for the holdup, i will just try to play this! :/"

3.1) make unsuitable factory and then say "oh sorry, I thought vehicles can climb there/water looked shallow enough to cross! :/"

3.2) make unsuitable factory and then say "Oh sorry, I did not notice our team already had 3 other air players. :/"

4) Look for bugs and then on purpose get in situations where the bug will be your disadvantage.
"My units did not fire/hit so I lost! :/"

5) "Accidently" plop on a mexspot
(mistakes can happen right?!)

6) Use priority-toggles to mismanage your eco.
(subtile but not sure how effective)
+8 / -1

8 years ago
Use priority-toggles to mismanage your eco.

Good one.

Put fac on high priority, make lots of cons. When sombody asks why your expansion is so slow you can tell them "What are you talking about, look at all the cons I'm expanding with" and then hope they won't notice that 5 minutes later you are still "trying" to finish the same mexes.

Or just put mex priority on low by default. Obviously you can be much more subtle with this if you want to since people will probably realise what you are doing once they see your mexes are stuck building at 0 speed for minutes.
+5 / -0
8 years ago
Make storages on mex spots and say that the names/icons/ui are confusing
+5 / -0

8 years ago
produce glass cannon units like moderator/recluse/wolverine then over-extend as if being aggressive and allow them to be over-run.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Be me...

Oh, actually wait, it's other way around. Even if I play seriousely (some) people acuse me of trolling ;o
+1 / -0

8 years ago
play spider
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Spam Puppies, eat all of your team's hard-earned reclaim, then waste them all attacking a Pylon.

(and the sad thing is: there are people doing this without even trying to throw the game...)
+3 / -0

8 years ago
pylon wall of solars

on topic: why does this topic exist?
+1 / -0

8 years ago
In big teams: spam raiders. Blame team.

In small teams: blind naked expand. Blame team.

In 1v1: be predictable with cheese. Blame balance.

Spiders are top-tier in big teams.

As your elo increases, certain standard playstyles are basically an auto-lose. Spamming swift is great for novices to intermediate, but unless you've got a solid core of ground players it's an automatic loss if you're supposed to be carrying. You can throw almost any game you like just by failing to escalate - which will not be very obvious at all to your team, since they will see that you have units just like them.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Spiders are top-tier in big teams.

Most spider lineup is junk tier, but flea & Crabbe are top tier.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Do whatever Firepluk is usually doing.
+6 / -0
- Make mex till 99% it looks almost the same but does not make any metal

- Make mex as usual(in the beginning the highest elo player normally checks how expansion goes) but then at 5th min or so reclaim all ur mexes to 99%
When someones ask wtf is it pretend you have a connection problem(to avoid any explanation)

- make frontline singu/moho because your team needs E and this is the best place to make this E

- morph troll com and suicide it on overexpanded frontline in 5v1, then say "noob team", start to make fusions and athenas just to res your worthless lvl5 troll com
by the time u finish it will be lost

- try to "over-res" your unit with athenas while enemy reclaims it, because you are the boss and have more metal!

- go sea on a land map, if there is no sea it's no problem - use terraform

- spend 30 min trying to make cloaked jinn in the back of the enemy base, plop the entrance and wait for some noob to send 100 fleas here which immediately reveal your troll invention
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Most spider lineup is junk tier, but flea & Crabbe are top tier.

You forgot Venom and Hermit.

- make frontline singu/moho because your team needs E and this is the best place to make this E

CAI detected
+1 / -0

8 years ago
FirePluk is not subtle, that would be the most obvious way to look like you threw the game.

Weaver, flea, venom, infiltrator, and crabe are all top tier.

Weaver: You need the AT, efficient mobile BP, and build range for winning the frontline.

Flea: You need the scout, screeener, passive LOS, and early harrass.

Venom: You need a small mobile means of dealing with cheese and aggression. One venom stops the com drop you scout with your fleas, or the jack rush, or any number of raiders.

Infiltrator: You need to stop very specific large threats.

Crabe: Midgame porc dominator with riot sidearm.

It's really a very good factory for big teams, allowing you the ability to decisively slam particular opposing plays, then transitioning into a solid push once the gamestate has settled. If you keep your army of noobs safe they are far more likely to do something productive. The only thing I miss when playing spiders in big teams is they don't have a good mobile AA, but you have the mobile BP to make static AA wherever you need it.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
I guess the motivation behind this is your well practiced strategies are optimized and your elo is stagnating, you need top performance to have a good chance of winning games and ever too often you lose because your team mates perform worse than expected from their elo.
In this case the best thing to do is to try new strategies and tactics (trolly or not, the point is that you are not familiar with them). You will certainly lose a lot of elo, since your skill with this tactics is supposed to be lower than with the one you used to play. But more importantly, you will have fun learning something new, and eventually become good at it. At this point you can start all over again with some other strategy.

After some iterations you will have a wider skillset and you can mix them all up for optimally efficient or fun play.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Very agree. No need to purposefully throw the game if you can try your hardest at something you're less good at. This saves you time that would be wasted throwing games, is less malicious, is genuinely interesting, and is more productive.

In fact, a lot of people on the ladder do just this - I know I do. It's not that I'm purposefully lowering my elo, but if I'm not close to my top elo I may as well put the gap to use and experiment a little. When I start approaching my max I start playing more seriously, but even after this many games, there are plenty of units I still basically haven't touched.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I always said that most skilled players in ZK arts is players who can get 60 -100 lvl and still be with less then 1300 - 1400 elo. Its more imperssive then get 2500 elo in team games and be in ladder in first place.
+3 / -0
8 years ago

- go sea on a land map, if there is no sea it's no problem - use terraform

Bu- but... Warolrd on CCR is a 100% win tactic.
+1 / -0
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