Hello Everyone, I have two quesitons in regards to creating maps.
1. I don't get how you guys control the amount of metal each metal spots produce.
2. How to create default spawning rectangles (for placing commanders) in maps so you wouldn't have to type "!split v 25" every game.
1.I guess the metal spots production is controlled by the amount color (rgb values) in the metal map.
Shamean told me to use red while the spring map editor uses green. I tried both methods. (Sorry Shaman) However, red didn't work out for me. Green worked fine.
Another factor is supposed to be located in the mapinfo.lua. The maxmetal, and extractor radius options.
Lets look at an example:
In my new map WallMaria "http://springfiles.com/spring/spring-maps/wall-maria"
see metal map at the above link
I declared " maxMetal = 12,"
and " extractorRadius = 50.0,"
I set the metal spots to very very green (255 green value).
When I played the map in game, I ended up with 88 metals per metal spot!!!
Creating default rectangles didn't even work for me (I tried using some randome numbers of myown and I tried the defaults from the blueprint).
The following code is the default one... It didn't work at all.
teams = {
2033, z
10134, z
0, z
0, z
PLEASE tell me what am I doing wrong here. Thanks in advance