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cheshit and his cheshit

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9 years ago
i say cheshit to cheshit and he gives me 2 day ban. klon said they dont look at past penalties. chehsit just admitted to do it.

[13:58] Corvus_Corax

[13:58] Corvus_Corax PENALTY: language and rude behaviour

[13:58] Corvus_Corax Issued on: 8/18/2015 10:57:29 AM (23 seconds ago)

[13:58] Corvus_Corax Issued by: DErankAdminChesti
[13:58] Corvus_Corax chesti unmute him
[13:58] Chesti he did such insults before too
[13:58] Chesti according to his report history it is normal
[13:58] Chesti for him t otalk like that
+0 / -1
inb4 lock?

Seriously though, you crossed the line, take it like an adult.

That's also not what Klon said, so far as I can tell:
people generally dont get muted for doing this once or on rare occasions, but if its habitual, i dont think its ok, even if its on the internet.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
[13:56] Major_Obvious cheshit you shut up
[13:56] Major_Obvious you dont even know how to admin

thats why you muted
+4 / -0
9 years ago
you think I crosed the line? look at cheshit's behaviour. he crossed the lien so many more times than me that its unreal.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
also i said cheshit because he deserved it. he abused his ass off. dot.
+1 / -1

9 years ago
Today I learned:
[08:56 PM] Chesti calm down Major_Obvious

is "abusing his ass off".
+0 / -0
9 years ago
he set my rights to 1 once for no reason.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
[14:06] Chesti maybe he learns it that way. Aggressive behaviour is not healthy for that community

agressive behaviour? me? i said cheshit to you and you mute me for 2 days.
you arem ore agressive than me.
+0 / -0
firstly: it is a very bad idea to refer to an admin you have a quarrel with as "...shit" (or anyone for that matter).

then, i do remember that i said something along the line of that quote but i think you are misrepresenting that. what i said then was that we dont necessarily base our judgement of what penalties would be adequate on the length or severity of past penalties. it does not mean, and i told you that, that we do not consider an offenders past bevahiour, which we do.

that said, since you have a history of verbal abuse and you decided to make a forum post containing more of the same, you will not be allowed on the forum for some time.
+9 / -0
9 years ago
klon then you lied to me. you freaking said that you would NOT look at past penalties. now you tell me that you do. go in a hole klon. go in a hole.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
enough is enough.
+2 / -1

9 years ago
Klon said we do not look at past PENALTIES (judicial precedent). We definitely DO look at past OFFENSES (offenders record). It's probably a slightly difficult concept to immediately grasp if English is not your first language.
+4 / -0